Mar 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog


Office of Admissions

The Office of Admissions serves all three campuses.  For convenience, offices are also located on each of the campuses as follows:

University of South Florida 
Phone: 813-974-3350
Fax: 813-974-9689

Office of Admissions
4202 East Fowler Avenue, SVC1036
Tampa, FL 33620-5816

Assistant Vice President, Office of Admissions: Martin Smith

University of South Florida St. Petersburg Campus
Phone: (727) 873-4567
Fax: (727) 873-4889
Office of Admissions
140 Seventh Avenue South, BAY 117
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee Campus
Phone: 941-359-4330
Fax: 941-359-4236
Graduate Admissions
8350 N. Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34243


Admissions Criteria and Policies

Also see USF Regulation 3-008: Admission of graduate and post-baccalaureate professional students:

Statement of Principles

In graduate admission decisions, multiple sources of information should be used to ensure fairness, promote diversity and balance the limitations of any single measure of knowledge, skills, or abilities. The sources may include: undergraduate grade point average, letters of recommendation, personal statements, samples of academic work, portfolios, auditions, professional experience related to proposed graduate study, as well as nationally known, standardized test scores. It is the responsibility of each graduate department/school to select admissions criteria for the major best predict success in their specific field and to determine the weight given to each measure.  Graduate departments have the option of admitting students without all required components of the specified admission requirements for the major, if items submitted from the student confirm a likelihood for success in the graduate major.

None of the sources of information, particularly standardized test scores, should be used in isolation nor should such scores be used in combination or separately to establish minimum or “cut off” scores. Major specific guidelines for the use of standardized test scores should be developed based on the experience of a given department/school/college with its pool of applicants.

Admission Requirements

Each applicant to a graduate degree program or graduate certificate at the University of South Florida is required to meet the following minimum requirements. Each College, Program, or Graduate Certificate may consider the rigor and strength of the academic program in making admissions decisions.  Graduate programs often require additional information and supporting documents.  Applicants should consult with the desired program of interest for additional requirements:

  1. An applicant must have one of the following (a, b, or c):

A.) A bachelor’s degree satisfying at least one of the following criteria:

  • “B” average (3.00 on a 4.00 scale) or better in all work attempted while registered as an undergraduate student working toward a baccalaureate degree, or
  • “B” average (3.00 on a 4.00 scale) or better in all work attempted while registered as a graduate student working for a graduate degree.

B.) A bachelor’s degree with a “B” average or better and a previous graduate degree with a “B” average or better. In cases where an applicant has a bachelor’s and a graduate degree at the time of admission, the credentials and GPA of the graduate degree will be the determining factor for admission.

C.) The equivalent bachelors and/or graduate degrees from a foreign institution. Bachelor’s degrees from institutions in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) are considered equivalent based on the Bologna Accord. For applicants with a 3-year Bachelor’s Degree with less than 120 hours, from Non-Bologna Accord Institutions, a transcript evaluation from a NACES member is required to confirm equivalency.

  1. Submission of standardized test scores if required by the graduate degree program. Refer to individual major admission requirements for information.
English Proficiency for International Applicants*
Applicants from countries where English is not the official language must also demonstrate proficiency in English* as outlined in the section on English Proficiency. Applicants who earn a baccalaureate or equivalent degree at a foreign institution where English is the language of instruction (for the institution and not just the major) may meet this requirement. However, other related factors (including test scores) will also be considered. Medium of Instruction must be documented on the transcript or on an official Certificate of Medium of Instruction from the Institution

The Department Chair/Graduate Director and/or College Dean must approve any exceptions to these requirements before they will be considered by the Office of Graduate Studies. The reason for the waiver and related documentation must be included on the Graduate Application Referral (GAR) form.

*International students who are seeking employment as a teaching assistant (in departments that offer them) must meet additional English Language Requirements.

Application Process (How it works)

Graduate applicants are urged to submit accurate and complete information as early as possible. Applications and supporting documents received after the published deadline will only be acted upon at the discretion of the graduate major. They will be kept on file for up to one year. At the request of the applicant or graduate major, they will be processed for the next available term.

The Graduate Admissions Office and the Graduate Department/School or College review your application for admission to graduate study at USF. Once the Graduate Department/School/College determines an applicant’s eligibility for its graduate major they will forward a recommendation to the Graduate Admissions Office who will issue the official decision.

If you are a foreign graduate applicant, the International Services Office ( (in collaboration with the Global Engagement Office, if appropriate) will evaluate your financial and immigration documents after you are admitted to determine your eligibility for a student visa. Your financial statement must be dated within 12 months of the starting the degree program. Each of these offices may request additional documents from you to make an admissions decision.

For a complete list of graduate majors and deadline dates please visit the Office of Graduate Studies website at

Graduate Admission Application Deadlines


MASTER’S AND EDUCATION SPECIALIST DEGREES Admission for Fall Semester Admission for Spring Semester Admission for Summer Semester
  • Applications received by the Priority Deadline will receive maximum consideration.
  • Applications received after the Priority deadline, but by the Final University Deadline, are considered on a space available basis.
  • Applications must be complete with all required information by the stated deadline. Any application materials received after the deadline may be reviewed on a space-available basis.

​Check with the Graduate Major Director for availability or to discuss options for admission in a subsequent term.

Priority Deadline (for funding and consideration) Refer to Specific Major Refer to Specific Major Refer to Specific Major
Final University Deadline Domestic Applicants June 1 October 15 February 15
Final University Deadline International Applicants June 1 October 15 February 15



DOCTORATE DEGREES Admission for Fall Semester Admission for Spring Semester Admission for Summer Semester
  • Applications received by the Priority Deadline will receive maximum consideration.
  • Applications received after the Priority deadline, but by the Final University Deadline, are considered on a space available basis.
  • Applications must be complete with all required information by the stated deadline. Any application materials received after the deadline may be reviewed on a space-available basis.

Check with the Graduate Major Director for availability or to discuss options for admission in a subsequent term.

Priority Deadline (for funding and consideration) Refer to Specific Major Refer to Specific Major Refer to Specific Major
Final University Deadline Domestic Applicants February 15 October 15 February 15
Final University Deadline International Applicants February 15 October 15 February 15

Additional Requirements for International Applicants

In addition to meeting the published application deadline for the Major of interest, all immigration documents should be submitted as soon as possible, but must be on file at USF no later than the deadlines listed above.

Foreign applicants who are outside the U.S. are required to apply for a visa. Depending on the country of origin, this may take a few months. Therefore, the deadlines for these international applicants may be earlier than the deadline for the Major and these applicants must apply no later than the posted application deadline. The applicants are strongly encouraged to apply as early as possible. Foreign applicants who are in the U.S. and are currently on a visa may use the application deadline dates.

Application Checklist (To-Do-List)

To assist you in the admissions process, please utilize the following Application Checklist. To expedite the processing of your application please upload a copy of all of your supporting documents when you submit your application online. You will also need to send official transcripts and test scores if you are admitted to a graduate major.

  1. Complete the Graduate Application online and upload all supporting documents
  2. List post-secondary institutions you have attended where a bachelor’s and/or master’s transcripts and any other higher degree including graduate-level coursework or certificates on the application
  3. Pay the non-refundable application fee
  4. Upload through the online application a copy of transcripts of all bachelor’s and/or master’s transcripts and any other transcript with graduate work (including translations and evaluations for international transcripts). If you are admitted, you must ALSO have official and final transcripts sent to the Office of Admissions.
  5. Upload through the online application a copy of your test score reports. You must also have official Test Scores sent to USF
  6. Review and respond to Conduct Clearance Policy (Legal Disclosure Statement)
  7. Review Florida Residency Policy for Tuition Purposes and provide documents, if needed
  8. Sign-in to Student Self-Service to monitor your admission status


1. Graduate Application:

Graduate applications and all supporting documents are submitted online through now!

Applicants should also check with the Graduate Major to determine if they require any additional, supporting documents beyond the ones listed here. Admission requirements may be found in the Major listing in the Catalog. Applicants should upload a copy of each supporting document required by the Major through the on-line application when it is submitted. However, they may upload additional documents after the application has been submitted. For instruction on uploading, go to

2. Application Fee:

All applicants are required to submit an application fee of $30.00 USD for admission to the University of South Florida. Applicants may apply for multiple majors, with only one application fee being required per every 12-month period from the date of initial application. (USF Regulation USF4-0107: Fees, Fines and Penalties   An applicant who attended USF as a former degree seeking student or non-degree student will also be required to submit the application fee. Applicants have the option to pay their application fee by credit card (Master Card or VISA issued from a U.S. bank), or by e-Check (personal checking/savings account issued from a U.S. bank), or through Flywire through the graduate online application. The online graduate application will not be processed if the application fee is not paid. ALL APPLICATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.

3. Transcripts:

One (1) complete official transcript from institutions of higher learning attended by the applicant where a bachelor’s and higher degree was awarded is required of all students who are admitted and matriculate at USF (reference USF Policy 10-044 - Applicants should also include official transcripts from any institution that has graduate work (such as Graduate Certificates).  The University reserves the right to request any additional transcripts that may be needed to evaluate the application.

At least one transcript must show that the bachelor’s degree was completed prior to the start of the graduate major at USF.  Former USF students should not submit their USF transcript because it is already on file.  However, they must list USF as a post-secondary institution on the application. 

Applicants should upload copies of transcripts through the on-line application to expedite the processing of their applications. These uploaded transcripts are considered unofficial. These unofficial copies of transcripts expedite the processing of the applications. Any offer of admission based on unofficial transcripts is considered “provisional” and will not be finalized until official transcripts are received in a sealed envelope from the Office of the Registrar from the institution previously attended. All transcripts must be in English; International applicants must submit original language transcripts and a certified English translation. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have all foreign post-secondary transcripts translated and evaluated* before submitting them as part of the graduate application packet. If the student is applying while still completing an undergraduate degree, the applicant must submit transcripts of at least six (6) semesters of completed undergraduate work. Final transcripts showing the award of a bachelor’s degree will be required if an applicant is admitted and enrolls.

*All foreign transcripts that are not in English must be accompanied by a certified English translation. Documents signed by a notary or other public official with no educational affiliation to the institution of higher learning will not be accepted. In addition to an overall evaluation from a foreign transcript evaluation service, the institution and/or graduate major may request a course-by-course evaluation. Refer to the Graduate Admissions’ website for a list of evaluation services (

Bologna Process – Applications from the European Higher Education Area

USF accepts applications from prospective graduate students with undergraduate degrees from countries that subscribe to the Bologna Process. Applicants with three-year degrees from universities in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) may be considered for admission to graduate majors, at the discretion of the Department (or equivalent) and College that offer the Major and with the approval of the Office of Graduate Studies, under the following condition:

Official documentation is presented to demonstrate that a three-year degree (at least 180 ECTS) has been awarded prior to USF matriculation by an institution within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), defined by the Bologna Declaration of 1999. Where applicable, diploma supplements should be included with transcripts and other documents required to demonstrate degree completion. An up-to-date, official listing of Bologna signatory countries may be found at

Non-Bologna Institutions

Transcripts for applicants from non-Bologna Accord Institutions must be accompanied by an evaluation of the bachelor’s degree by an independent third-party member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). Confirmation of the baccalaureate degree as equivalent is required and will be jointly determined by relevant major faculty, the Office of Admissions, and the Office of Graduate Studies.

4. Test Scores

GRE (Graduate Record Examination)*:

The GRE requirement is determined by the individual graduate major and may be waived at the discretion of the departmental/school/college admissions committee. Specific requirements are posted in the Catalog listing for the major. Please contact your major of interest directly for additional information.  

If standardized test scores are a requirement of admission to a graduate program, only scores of tests taken within five (5) years of the desired term of entry will be accepted.  Some majors will waive the standardized test requirement if another measure can be used to determine the potential for success in the major. Official scores must be submitted to USF directly from the Educational Testing Service. However, applicants should provide unofficial copies of their test scores to expedite the processing of their applications while awaiting the transmission of official scores. Any offer of admission granted using unofficial scores is considered “provisional” and will not be finalized until official scores from ETS are received. The institution code for USF is 5828 and applies to all tests administered by ETS.

GMAT (Graduate Management Aptitude Test):

Applicants to majors in the Muma College of Business should submit GMAT** scores earned within five (5) years of the desired term of entry. Official scores must be submitted directly from the Pearson VUE Testing Service, but applicants may provide unofficial copies of their test scores to expedite the processing of their applications. Any offer of admission based on unofficial scores is considered “provisional” and will not be finalized until official scores from Pearson VUE are received. The following are the Pearson VUE institution codes for USF majors.

VP9-M4-23 Ph.D. in Business Administration VP9-M4-67 M.A. in Economics
VP9-M4-04 Executive M.B.A. VP9-M4-86 M.S. in Finance
X9R-MQ-41 Hospitality Management, USF Sarasota-Manatee Campus VP9-M4-17 M.S. in Management
VP9-M4-97 M.B.A., Full Time VP9-M4-66 M.S. in Management Info. Systems
VP9-M4-80 M.B.A., Part Time VP9-M4-40 M.S.M. in Marketing
X9R-MQ-01 M.B.A., USF Sarasota-Manatee Campus VP9-M4-48 M.S. in Entrepreneur in Applied Tech.
VP9-M4-25 M.B.A., USF St. Petersburg Campus VP9-4J-76 Health Admin., College of Public Health
VP9-M4-18 Masters in Accountancy VP9-M4-92 M.S. in Business Analytics and Information Systems

** Applicants may not be required to submit a GMAT score to the MBA program if they have taken the GRE. Applicants should contact the Department of interest directly for additional information.


For majors that may require or accept the MCAT, the test typically must be taken with the last five (5) years; check with the Graduate Major or Department for specific requirements

5. English Proficiency for International Applicants*

Applicants from countries where English is not the official language must also demonstrate proficiency in English by submitting acceptable scores on one of the English proficiency tests listed below. Scores must have been earned within two (2) years of the desired term of entry. Applications submitted with English proficiency scores that do not meet the minimum requirements will be denied. 

Note – the following test scores are for the purposes of Admissions and do not demonstrate English Proficiency for Teaching Assistant (TA) positions.  For eligibility as a Teaching Assistant (TA), go to:

a. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL iBT)

79 or higher 

b. International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

6.5 or higher

c. Cambridge English First (FCE/B2 First)

176 or higher (with minimum sub scores of 169)

d. Cambridge English Level 1 Advanced/Business (C1)

180 or higher

e. Cambridge English Level 2 Proficiency/Business (C2) 200 or higher
f. Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE-A) 53 or higher

g. Graduate Record Exam (GRE) Exam Verbal Score

153 or higher

h. Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) Verbal 30 or higher
i. Duolingo English Test (DET) 110 or higher
j. TOEFL Essentials Exam 8.5 or higher

* Proof of English proficiency (additional documentation or exam scores) may be requested based upon information provided in the application.

English Proficiency Exemptions

A student may qualify for an exemption from taking an English Proficiency Examination for the purpose of Admissions if one of the following criteria is met:

  • Native speaker of English.  (List of English Speaking Countries: )
    Earned a baccalaureate or higher degree from an institution in the United States.
  • Earned a baccalaureate degree or higher at a foreign institution where English is the language of instruction (for the institution and not just the major) may meet this requirement. However, other related factors (including test scores) will also be considered. The medium of Instruction must be documented on the transcript and/or on an official Certificate of Medium of Instruction from the Institution.
  • Successful completion with a grade of “B” or higher in the equivalents of ENC 1101 and ENC 1102, as outlined on the Florida Department of Education Statewide Course Numbering System, at a U.S. accredited institution can be used to waive the English Proficiency requirement. These course equivalencies are at the discretion of the University of South Florida.  

English Proficiency for Assistantship Eligibility

International students from countries other than those listed in Appendix C of the Policy on Spoken English Proficiency for Graduate Teaching Assistants/Associates/Graduate Instructional Assistants ( who want to be considered for a teaching assistantship must show proficiency in spoken English even if their TOEFL has been waived or accepted for admission to a graduate major. They need a minimum score of 26 on the spoken portion of the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) or 160 on the spoken portion of the TOEIC test administered by ETS

Please reference for more information on language requirements.

6. Conduct Clearance Policy (Legal Disclosure Statement): All graduate applicants are required to answer the Conduct Clearance questions on the graduate application. The applicant will not be notified of the admission decision until answers to the two questions have been received. Applicants who meet the criteria for disclosure must provide specified documents and be reviewed by the Vice President of Student Affairs or designee, if warranted. Also refer to USF Policy 30-018: Admission of Students with Prior Conduct Issues.

7. Florida Residency Policy: Residency for tuition purposes is defined by Florida State Statute Section 1009.21.  Graduate students are typically considered “independent” for tuition purposes. Applicants desiring classification as Florida residents for tuition paying purposes must sign and complete the Florida Residents section of the Florida Residency Classification page of the Graduate Application. Applicants who submit incomplete or unsigned forms will be classified as non-Florida residents. The Office of Admissions will classify applicants as Florida residents if they have provided a minimum of two forms of acceptable documentation that verifies they began living in Florida at least twelve (12) months prior to the first day of classes of their admitted term of entry. Additional documentation may be requested in some cases. All documentation is subject to verification. For assistance with residency questions contact

Applicants are responsible for checking their residency classification when admitted to the University of South Florida. The residency classification is noted on the official acceptance letter. If students feel that their initial classification is in error, they have until the last day of the term to contact the Admissions Office and request a re-evaluation. After students have completed their first semester of study they may still seek to have their residency reconsidered by submitting a Request for Reclassification Form with the Office of the Registrar. This must be filed by the 5th day of classes for the term being requested. For more information on Residency refer to:

Application Documents Access/Forward/Return Policy

No application, test scores, transcripts, letters of recommendations, or other documents submitted with the application packet will be returned to the applicant or forwarded to another institution/third party. The Office of Admissions will not release an applicant’s file to the applicant or other third parties. Requests, subpoenas, or court orders are to be forwarded to the Office of the General Counsel after review by the Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions. Once admitted and enrolled students may request access to their student file at the Office of the Registrar. Letters of Recommendation that the applicant has waived the right to view (indicated on Request for Recommendation Form) are not to be given, copied or viewed by the applicant or third parties. Requests for degree/enrollment verification information should be referred to the Office of the Registrar.

Graduate application files may be copied and released to USF staff conducting legitimate University business.

Additional Application Requirements (Not applicable to all majors)

Many graduate majors require additional application materials such as resumes, writing samples, or letters of recommendation. These items should be uploaded through the online application. These materials will be available electronically to the appropriate major if sent with the application packet.

Final Admission Classification

Applicants selected for admission whose official documents (transcripts and/or test scores) have been received by the Office of Admissions are admitted as “Final.” The admission file is complete.

Provisional Admission Classification

Applicants accepted for admission whose official documents (e.g. transcripts and/or test scores) have not been received by the Office of Admissions are admitted provisionally pending receipt of these missing items. Official transcripts documenting that the required degree was completed prior to the start of graduate study at USF must be received before a second semester registration is permitted. During the first semester, the Office of Admissions will place a registration hold on the student’s file pending receipt of the missing items.

Exception Admission Classification

The University may admit new enrollees as exceptions to the Board of Trustees minimum requirements and/or to the admission requirements for the Major. To be considered for an exception, applicants should present evidence that might account for the previous academic record and demonstrate potential for academic success. Examples of this evidence include excellent letters of recommendation from trusted academicians, performance in graduate courses taken as a post-bachelor’s student, professional experience in the discipline for a period of time, etc. Each request for an exception must include a statement describing the special circumstances of the applicant and a brief justification for the exception. It is the discretion of the Major, College, and Office of Graduate Studies to accept exception application requests.

Conditional Admission Criteria

An Admissions Committee may admit students conditionally in anticipation of the applicant’s successful completion of prescribed additional admission requirements. Conditions may include receipt of satisfactory scores on standardized tests, attendance in and satisfactory grades earned in specific core or remedial courses, etc.  It is the responsibility of the department/school/college to track satisfactory completion of the conditions and notify Admissions when conditions are met. Failure to satisfy those conditions by the deadline established by the major will result in a registration hold and possible academic dismissal from the Major.

Deferment of Admission Request

An applicant’s acceptance is granted for the semester and the particular major specified in the official acceptance notification. In order to validate that acceptance, the applicant must enroll in the semester of initial acceptance. Applicants who fail to validate their admission may contact the Graduate Director and request a Deferment of Admission. This request must be made in writing within 12 months of the initial requested entry date and prior to the major’s application deadline for the new acceptance term. If a request for Deferment of Admission is not activated within 12 months, a new application and fee must be submitted.

Applicants who were admitted provisionally pending receipt of official test scores and/or transcripts must supply those missing items prior to having their deferment decision processed by the Office of Admissions.

Note: applicants unable to matriculate in the semester of the accepted admission may request a deferment of their admission to the following semester. Applicants in need of requesting this type of deferment should contact their Department for approval and advising. Priority admission deadlines and the semesters that applications may be submitted are listed on the website: 

Update of Admission Request

If an admission decision has not been offered and the applicant wants to be considered for a future semester, the applicant must request that the Office of Admissions update the application and specify the desired term of enrollment. Applications are held for only twelve (12) months.  An update must be requested in writing within twelve (12) months of the initial term requested, otherwise, a new application and fee must be submitted. The Office of Admissions will not process any update requests without first receiving all official transcripts and required test scores.

Denial of Admission / Appeal for Reconsideration Criteria

Applicants denied admission will be given timely notice by email or in writing. Denied applicants who meet the minimum standards may request reconsideration in writing to the Graduate Director of the Major to which they applied within 30 days of the date of denial. The Appeal for Reconsideration request should present additional evidence of potential for academic success at USF. Applicants denied admission to a major are eligible to apply as a non-degree seeking student, although course selection restrictions may apply. Applicants must submit a non-degree seeking student applications and fee online to the Office of the Registrar.

Activation of Admission

An applicant’s acceptance is granted for the semester and the particular major specified in the official acceptance notification. In order to validate the acceptance, the applicant must enroll for that semester. Applicants who do not validate their admission may contact the Graduate Director and request a Deferment of Admission. This request must be made in writing within 12 months of the initial requested entry date and before the major’s application deadline for the new term. If a request for Deferment of Admission is not activated within the 12 months, a new application and fee must be submitted for future consideration.  Refer to the Deferment of Admission section for more information.

Reinstatement and Re-application for Admission Policies

A graduate student who is not registered and enrolled for a minimum of six (6) credits in a 12-month period is automatically placed in non-degree seeking (i.e. inactive)  status (refer to the Continuous Enrollment Policy for more information). Students must be reinstated or re-admitted to the major to continue their studies. Both of these are at the discretion of the Major and are not guaranteed. These policies do not apply to students who have been academically dismissed from the University for Academic Dishonesty.


Students who have not exceeded their time limit for degree completion may apply for reinstatement, using the Graduate Major Reinstatement Form.  A Program of Study, including benchmark information, must be submitted with the request.

  • Students who were on academic probation during their last enrollment should consult the Academic Probation Policy for guidance on requirements. Probation will resume on reinstatement.
  • Students who were in Doctoral Candidacy will remain at that status.
  • Students who are reinstated may choose the original or any subsequent Graduate Catalog.
  • Students may be reinstated in any semester.
  • Students must enroll in the first semester after the reinstatement is approved.

Re-application for Admission

Students who have exceeded their time limit for degree completion and/or course currency limits (i.e. ten years from their initial admission date in the graduate major) must re-apply for admission. This will require completion of all degree requirements as posted in the Graduate Catalog in effect at the semester of admission, including such elements as comprehensive exams, thesis/dissertation hours. Students who have been Academically Dismissed from the University for academic dishonesty may not apply to any graduate program at USF.

Additional Requirements for Readmission

  • Graduate Application:  in order to be considered for readmission, students must submit a new graduate application, application fee, and any required supporting materials by the application deadline for the major.
  • Admission Requirements: Students must meet the Admission Requirements posted in the Graduate Catalog for the Major to which they are reapplying.
  • Test Scores: The College may require new test scores (i.e. GRE/GMAT/TOEFL, etc.) and transcripts.
  • Catalog Year: Students who are readmitted must meet the admission standards, degree requirements, and policies in the Graduate Catalog in effect at the time of readmission.
  • Prior Coursework taken at USF: Coursework taken at USF prior to readmission may be accepted toward the degree requirements at the discretion of the Department/School/College. Refer to the Course Currency Policy for time limits on coursework applied toward the degree and the Transfer of Credit Policy. Students may be required to take new coursework. The decision to accept courses previously transferred to USF and applied toward the degree is at the discretion of the Department/School/College.
  • Enrollment: A decision to readmit is only applicable to the semester for which it is effective. Students who do not enroll for that term will have to resubmit an application for any future semester. The readmission policy does NOT apply to inactive students wishing to enroll in a Major other than the original admitting Major.  These students must submit an application for the new major of interest.  Transcripts of any work completed while not attending a USF Institution may be required.
  • Doctoral Candidacy: Students who are readmitted to a doctoral major who were previously admitted to Doctoral Candidacy may be required to retake the Qualifying Exam to be admitted to Doctoral Candidacy again.  Students who are readmitted to the Program must be enrolled one semester before the Candidacy status can be reactivated.  Once Candidacy is established, the student must enroll in dissertation hours, as specified in the Enrollment Policy.

Change of Graduate Major

A change of graduate major allows a student to withdraw from the student’s current graduate major and enter into a different graduate major. A change of graduate major:

  • will NOT be considered for graduate students in their first semester of study
  • is permissible only for a continuing graduate student enrolled for study in a particular major who wishes change to another major at the same or lower degree level
  • requires a student to be in good academic standing*
  • is up to the discretion of the student’s new major (note: some majors may require another admission application to be submitted and reviewed)
  • may affect the student’s financial aid status
  • will exclude courses taken from the previous major/degree level unless faculty approve the course(s) for application of internal credit toward the requirements for the new major/degree level. The GPA will automatically reflect the courses applied to the new major/degree level. Only courses that have not been used to meet the requirements of a completed degree are eligible for application of internal credit.   
  • restarts the time limit with the admission to the new graduate major.
  • restarts the Catalog year.  Students changing majors must meet the degree requirements of the Graduate Catalog in effect at the time of the change to the new Major. Students who change majors may choose a later catalog as stipulated in the Student’s Major Degree Requirements policy.  
  • requires the submission of a Change of Graduate Major Application and approval by the Office of Graduate Studies
  • requires students to meet all requirements of the new Major as specified in the USF Graduate Catalog. See policy for complete information and restrictions.

* Students not in good academic standing must consult with the Office of Graduate Studies prior to initiating a Change of Graduate Major Application. Students who have less than a 3.00 as required to be in good standing may still be considered for a change of graduate major if the new graduate major is willing to accept them into the degree program.

Students may view the procedures and obtain the Change of Graduate Major Application Form at Students must consult with the new major and Office of Graduate Studies before completing any paperwork.

Student Accessibility Services

Applicants with disabilities apply for admission under the same guidelines as other applicants. Applicants believing that a disability has had an impact on grades, course choice, or standardized admission test scores, must request consideration during the admissions process. Supporting documentation must be submitted when requesting a disability exception. Applicants requesting substitution of departmental/program guidelines will need to contact the appropriate department chairperson/graduate advisor.

The University reviews documentation and determines if students are eligible for services and accommodations because of disabilities. The Office of Student Accessibility Services is charged with the task of determining eligibility. Accommodations and services are not provided on a retroactive basis. Approval must be given prior to receiving services or accommodations. The process begins when students provide documentation of disability and meet with a coordinator in the Office of Student Accessibility Services to request services and accommodations in writing. Any faculty members or students who have questions about this process are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Accessibility Services at (813) 974-4309 or visit the website at For convenience, offices are located on all three campuses.

Tampa Campus: (813) 974-4309 or visit

St. Petersburg Campus: (727) 873-4990, (727) 987-4837 or

Sarasota-Manatee Campus: Office is located in the Student Services Center with Financial Aid, Registration, Admissions, and Advising. Or visit: