Jan 21, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Academic Policies

Academic Policy and Regulation Information

For USF Regulations and Policies refer to:  https://usfweb.usf.edu/generalcounsel/

Student Responsibilities

The University, the Colleges, and the majors have established certain academic requirements that must be met before a degree is granted. While advisors, directors, department chairpersons, and deans are available to assist the student meet these requirements, it is ultimately the responsibility of the student to be acquainted with all policies and regulations and be responsible for completing requirements. If requirements for graduation have not been satisfied, the degree will not be granted. The information presented here represents the University Academic Policies. Colleges, schools, and departments may have additional requirements. Check with your College Graduate Advisor or your Department Director for more information. Courses, majors, and requirements described in the Catalog may be suspended, deleted, restricted, supplemented, or changed at any time at the sole discretion of the University and the Board of Trustees. For a list of current course descriptions, refer to the USF Course Inventory database online at https://usfweb.usf.edu/academic-programs/course-inventory 

Student Conduct

Members of the University community support high standards of individual conduct and human relations. Responsibility for one’s own conduct and respect for the rights of others are essential conditions for academic and personal freedom within the University. USF reserves the right to deny admission or refuse enrollment to students whose actions are contrary to the purposes of the University or impair the welfare or freedom of other members of the University community. Disciplinary procedures are followed when a student fails to exercise responsibility in an acceptable manner or commits an offense as outlined in the Student Conduct Code. Refer to the USF 6.0021, Student Code of Conduct at https://usf.app.box.com/v/usfregulation60021

Responsible Conduct of Research

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is a critical element in training for scholarship. USF has information about RCR available online at: www.grad.usf.edu/rcr.php

The Office of Graduate Studies requires all new doctoral students to have basic RCR training by completing the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) module most relevant to the student’s program of study. The CITI modules have been designed to introduce researchers to various elements of research conduct ranging from research misconduct to data management to mentoring. As this is a minimum requirement, specific doctoral majors may require training that goes beyond the basic components introduced in this module. Graduate Majors that have received Office of Graduate Studies approval for rigorous RCR training consistent with disciplinary standards and practices may exempt their students from the CITI requirement. Students must complete the module or provide evidence of previous qualified RCR training to their Graduate Director and Office of Graduate Studies, in the first semester enrolled in a doctoral major. Previous RCR training should have been completed within the past year. Students will be unable to register for courses in a future semester until successful fulfillment of this RCR requirement. Once the training is completed, the Registration hold will be lifted.

Intellectual and Scholarship Integrity

Shared Authorship and Research Education Policy

USF contains a broad range of academic majors in diverse disciplines, and the USF faculty recognize that the conventions on shared authorship and credit for scholarship vary among disciplines. In general, sharing in authorship implies both substantive intellectual contributions to the work and also approval of the work as it appears in public. Right to authorship credit is not automatically conveyed by being the instructor of a course, being a student’s major professor, or being a research assistant working with faculty and professional researchers; neither is credit automatically prohibited because of such status.

Each college/major that includes research education shall include an explicit discussion of shared authorship issues and disciplinary conventions as part of the formal curriculum addressing research methods and ethics, including the conventions of the discipline’s publications. In addition, each college or major shall have a formal statement about shared authorship made available to students (such as on a college or major website) or given to students at the same time as they are given notice about other major and college expectations.

Each college/major shall also have a written procedure for resolving questions or conflicts about shared authorship where students are involved. The college and major may use the same procedure for resolving questions for non‐student employees, but the procedure for resolving questions or conflicts involving students must address the educational needs of students (e.g., explicitly asking about the nature of the research methods and ethics education as experienced by a student involved in the case at hand).

This written procedure must be made available to students (such as on a college or major website) or given to students at the same time as they are given notice about other major and university expectations.

Academic Integrity of Students

Reference USF Regulation 3.027 - To read the entire Regulation, go to:  https://usf.app.box.com/v/usfregulation3027. Please note the sections that specifically pertain to graduate students.

Disruption of Academic Process

Reference: USF Regulation 3.025 - https://usf.app.box.com/v/usfregulation3025

Student Academic Grievance Procedure

Reference: USF 10.002 Student Academic Grievance Procedure- https://usf.app.box.com/v/usfpolicy10-002

For matters that are not academic in nature, reference USF 30-053 Student Concern Processes Policyhttps://usf.app.box.com/v/usfpolicy30-053

Graduate Catalog

Also reference: USF Policy 10-059 University of South Florida Catalogs

The USF Graduate Catalog, including college and major requirements, and major and course descriptions, is available on the web at https://catalog.usf.edu/. Each Catalog is published and in effect for the academic term(s) noted on the title page. 

Student’s Major Degree Requirements

In order to graduate, students must meet all requirements specified in the USF Catalog of their choice, except as noted below. As the University is dynamic, changes and updates to the catalog are anticipated. In contrast to major requirements, which are tied to a specific catalog, all students must comply with university policies and procedures that come into effect each catalog year.

  • Students cannot choose a USF Catalog published prior to admission (or readmission) or during an academic year in which they did not complete at least two terms. If a student is dropped from the system and must be reinstated, the student’s choice of Catalog is limited to the USF Catalog in effect at the time of readmission or any one Catalog published during their continuous re-enrollment.
  • Students who change majors must meet the degree requirements of the Graduate Catalog in effect at the time of the change to the new Major, except for allocations to choose a later catalog, as provided in this policy.
  • If state law or certification requirements change, the student must comply with the most current standard or criteria.
  • If the College, School, or Department makes fundamental changes to the major that necessitates changes in the degree requirements of enrolled students, the needs of those students will be explicitly addressed in the proposal for change and scrutinized by the Office of Graduate Studies.
  • USF policies and procedures not related to degree requirements such as academic grievance procedures, student conduct code and other procedural processes and definitions may be updated each year, and the student will be held to the most current catalog and procedures available.
  • USF does not commit itself to offer all the courses and majors listed in this Catalog. If the student cannot meet all of the graduation requirements specified in the Catalog of choice as a result of decisions and changes made by the University, appropriate substitutions will be determined by the major to ensure that the student is not penalized.  Core courses and required courses for the Major should not be substituted and may only be substituted with approval from the College and Dean or Designee of the Office of Graduate Studies.

Student/Advisor Relationship

Although it is ultimately the responsibility of the student to be acquainted with all policies and regulations, and be responsible for completing requirements, the Advisor’s role is to guide students in all aspects of their academic major and to monitor and evaluate students’ progress toward their degrees. He/she should be aware of any difficulties that students may be facing in their coursework or research experiences and should work with students in resolving these issues. It is recommended that the advisor and student understand each other’s expectations and that effective means of communication are established. The advisor and student are encouraged to meet at appropriate intervals to critically evaluate the student’s progress. These meetings may be requested by the student or the advisor. The advisor also has the obligation to express to the student any concerns he/she may have regarding the student’s performance, to stipulate the level and quality of work expected, and to offer suggestions leading to student success. As such, the advisor neither gives the student excessive guidance nor allows the student to struggle needlessly. The goal of this relationship is to foster student independence, which results in successful completion of the program of study.

Student’s Program of Study

In addition to the graduate major requirements as specified in the Graduate Catalog, each student should have a written, flexible program of study that includes the student’s choice of Catalog year, choice of concentration, cognate, or other options available in the Major, and a tentative identification of other appropriate choices available to the student in the program, which may (but does not need to) include specific courses. A program of study is not a guarantee that specific courses will be available in a specific semester or that statutory and regulatory requirements will not change during the student’s enrollment in the Major. As required or appropriate, the program of study should be revisited and modified by the student and the student’s advisor/major professor(s).

Electronic Signatures

Where procedures described in this catalog require signatures, requirements for original signatures may be satisfied by university-approved electronic signatures or other secure methods of verifying approval by advisors, major professors, committee members, or other University administrators, faculty, and staff.


Graduate Assistantships (GA), Research Assistantships (RA), and Teaching Assistantships (TA) Graduate Assistantships are intended to recruit quality students to graduate study at USF and to enhance the graduate learning experience. Graduate assistantships exist within academic departments or other university offices on campus. Graduate assistants may teach, conduct research, or perform other tasks that contribute to the student’s professional development. Graduate students may be classified as Graduate Assistants (GAs), Graduate Teaching Assistants/Associates (GTAs), Graduate Instructional Assistants (GIAs), and/or Graduate Research Assistants/Associates (GRAs). All graduate assistants at USF work under a contract negotiated by the Graduate Assistants United (GAU) and the USF Board of Trustees. The GAU is the labor union certified as the exclusive bargaining agent for graduate assistants at USF.


To receive an assistantship, the graduate student must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Accepted in a graduate major
  • Maintain an overall minimum grade point average (GPA) and major GPA of 3.00
  • Enrolled full-time during the semester(s) appointed as a graduate assistant
  • For Teaching Assistants, demonstrate proficiency in spoken English (if student is not from an English-speaking country)
  • Maintain a satisfactory work performance evaluation for all previous work performed as a Graduate Assistant


Graduate Assistants may be appointed up to a maximum of 0.50 FTE for a single assistantship. Departments/Schools who desire to appoint a Graduate Student, in any classification, more than 0.50 FTE up to 0.73 FTE, for single or multiple appointments, must submit justification to the Office of Graduate Studies for approval. Students hired in non-GA positions on campus must also not exceed 0.73 FTE for the combined position and assistantship appointments. It is preferred that students refrain from employment outside of the assistantship appointment. Departments may determine the maximum number of semesters for teaching assistantship appointments.

Enrollment (Assistantships)

Full-time enrollment is considered nine (9) graduate credit hours in the fall and spring semesters and six (6) graduate credit hours in the summer semester. If a graduate assistant is enrolled in the last semester of the student’s program of study, the number of registered semester hours may be less than the full-time requirement. Graduate assistants must comply with all Office of Graduate Studies enrollment requirements to retain their assistantship as stated in the Graduate Catalog. For specifics regarding Graduate Assistantship requirements, guidelines, and policies, refer to the Graduate Assistants Policies and Guidelines Handbook

Note - Criminal History Background Checks may be required depending on the appointment -
reference USF Policy 0-615 - https://usf.app.box.com/v/usfpolicy0-615

Enrollment Requirements


Enrollment Status for Graduate Students (including BISK Program)

The following illustrates the hours of enrollment necessary to be classified as full, half, and less than half time status:

  • Full-time: 9 or more credit hours
  • Half-time: 3-8 credit hours
  • Less than half-time: 1-2 credit hours
Academic Load for Graduate Students

Graduate students taking a minimum of nine (9) hours toward their degree in the fall or spring semester or taking a minimum of six (6) hours in the summer semester, will be classified as Full-Time students for academic purposes. Students may not take more than eighteen (18) graduate hours per semester without prior written approval by the College.

Students receiving Veteran’s Administration benefits should confirm their enrollment requirements with the Office of Veteran’s Success (https://www.usf.edu/student-affairs/veterans/apply/index.aspx).  Click on the breakdowns for the desired semester to view required credits.  Or contact the Veteran’s Coordinator. 

Students receiving financial aid should confirm enrollment requirements with the Office of Financial Aid - https://www.usf.edu/financial-aid/enrollment-status.aspx  

Continuous Enrollment for All Graduate Students

All graduate degree-seeking students must be continuously enrolled. Continuous enrollment is defined as completing, with grades assigned, a minimum of six (6) hours of graduate credit every three (3) continuous semesters. Courses that receive a “W” grade do not fulfill continuous enrollment requirements. Colleges and majors may have additional requirements. Students on an approved leave of absence are not subject to the enrollment requirement for the time approved for the leave. Students who have been Admitted to Doctoral Candidacy must follow the Dissertation Hour Enrollment in place of the Continuous Enrollment requirement. See also the Time Limitations Policy .  Editor’s Note:  the six hours may be taken as 2/2/2, or 3/0/3, or 6/0/0, etc.  Take any three sequential semesters and the total for the three must add up to six hours.

Readmission Following Non-enrollment

A graduate student who is not registered and enrolled for a minimum of six (6) credits in a 12-month period is automatically placed in non-degree seeking (i.e. inactive) status. Students must be readmitted to the major to continue their studies. Readmission is at the discretion of the major and is not guaranteed. Refer to the Readmission Policy in the Graduate Admissions Section for more information.

Enrollment during Comprehensive Exams and Admission to Candidacy

During the term in which students take the comprehensive exams, students must be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) hours of graduate credit. If the exam is taken between semesters, the student must enroll for a minimum of two (2) hours of graduate credit in the semester before or following the exam. Students must also be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) hours of graduate work in the semester of admission to doctoral candidacy.

Dissertation Hours

To maintain active status, students working on a dissertation must enroll for a minimum of two (2) hours of dissertation every semester, starting with the semester following Admission to Doctoral Candidacy, up to and including the semester the dissertation is submitted to and approved by the Office of Graduate Studies. Dissertation hours may apply to the Continuous Enrollment Requirement. Receipt of financial aid or a fellowship/scholarship will require full-time enrollment*.  Colleges and majors may have additional requirements. Refer to the Re-application for Admission Policy in the Graduate Admissions Section for more information. Note: students cannot be enrolled in thesis and dissertation at the same time.

*Refer to the financial aid enrollment policy for more information.

Enrollment during Semester of Thesis/Dissertation Submission

Students must be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) thesis/dissertation hours during the semester that the thesis or dissertation is submitted and approved by the Office of Graduate Studies, usually the semester of graduation. Students not enrolled for the minimum requirement will not have the thesis/dissertation approved and therefore may not be certified for graduation. Note: students cannot be enrolled in thesis and dissertation at the same time.

Enrollment during Semester of Thesis/Dissertation Defense

Students must be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) thesis/dissertation hours during the semester that the thesis or dissertation is defended and in the semester in which the thesis/dissertation is submitted for the format check, usually the semester the student intends to graduate.  Note: students cannot be enrolled in thesis and dissertation at the same time. 

Enrollment during Semester of Completion of Degree Requirements

Students must be enrolled for a minimum of two (2) graduate hours during the semester they complete their degree requirements.  Editor’s note: Students who complete all degree requirements within their last semester, but who did not apply for graduation, please contact the Office of Graduate Studies - grad-liaisonmail@usf.edu - for instruction on how to proceed.

Enrollment for Graduate Teaching and Research Assistants

Graduate Teaching and Research Assistants should be full-time students. Exceptions must be approved by the College Dean and the Dean of the Office of Graduate Studies.

Leave of Absence (LOA)

Leaves of absence may be granted to students under exceptional and unavoidable circumstances. Students requesting a LOA must specify the reasons for the leave, as well as the duration. Requested LOA may be approved for up to two years. Students requiring less than three (3) consecutive terms of absence do not need an approved LOA if they meet the continuous enrollment requirement.  Students must have completed at least one full semester to be eligible to request a LOA.  

Students must be enrolled in the first semester after the approved Leave of Absence expires. The LOA must be approved by the Major Professor, the Graduate Director, the College, and the Office of Graduate Studies, and is noted in the student’s record. If the LOA is granted, the time absent does not count against the student’s time limit to obtain the degree.

Students returning from an approved LOA must reactivate their status by contacting the Office of Graduate Studies for procedures. Doctoral candidates returning from a LOA must also have their candidacy status reactivated.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

For Academic Purposes

Satisfactory Academic Progress for academic purposes is determined by the progress the student has made in the Major towards degree completion, taking into account the curriculum requirements, as well as the time to degree allocations. This is a separate assessment from the Satisfactory Academic Progress requirement for financial aid.

For Financial Aid Recipients

Reference: http://www.usf.edu/financial-aid/sap/index.aspx
Reference: https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/eligibility/staying-eligible

Federal regulations require all schools participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs to have a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy that conforms to specific grade-based and time-based requirements. These requirements apply to all students as one determinant of eligibility for financial aid and include three components:

  • GPA
  • Pace
  • Maximum Time

Refer to the Financial Aid websites for information and requirements.

Academic Standards and Grades

Minimum University Requirements

In Good Standing

To be considered a “student in good standing,” graduate students must

  • Maintain an overall minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) in all courses taken as a graduate student, and
  • Maintain an overall minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) in all courses taken in each of the student’s degree-seeking majors.

Only courses with grades of “C” (2.00) or better will be accepted toward a graduate degree; no grade of C- or below will be accepted. Students must meet the requirements to be in good standing to graduate. All “I” and “M” grades must be cleared for graduation to be certified. Students who fail to maintain good standing may be placed on probation or academically dismissed.

Academic Renewal

Ref:  USF 10-075 - https://usf.app.box.com/v/usfpolicy10-075

Academic renewal is the process whereby USF degree seeking students admitted to a new major may request that courses completed in the previous major be excluded in the calculation of their cumulative USF grade point average (GPA) on admission to the new graduate major. Only courses that have not been used for a completed degree and have been approved for internal transfer of credit may count toward the requirements of the new major. 

Academic Renewal will only be applied to the degree seeking student’s record one time, per degree level, at USF and may affect the student’s financial aid, Tuition Assistance, use of Veterans Educational Benefits, or student visa status. On the transcript, the grades for the courses taken for a previous major are noted to indicate that the grade points for that course have been excluded from the GPA for the current major or degree level that the student is enrolled in.  Academic Renewal is not an option for students to use to eliminate a poor grade in a course.  Refer to the Grade Point Average section for information on Grade Forgiveness.  Refer to USF 10-075 for full and specific information.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The GPA is computed by dividing the total number of quality points by the total number of graded (A-F) hours completed. The total quality points are figured by multiplying the number of credits assigned to each course by the quality point value of the grade given. The GPA is truncated to two decimals (3.48) and is not rounded up.

Credit hours for courses with grades of I, IU, M, MU, N, S, U, W, Z and grades which are preceded by T (Transfer) are subtracted from the total hours attempted before the GPA is calculated. Graduate students are not eligible for grade forgiveness. All grades earned, regardless of course level, will be posted on the transcript. If a student retakes a course, both grades will be used in the determination of the GPA. Courses taken at USF as non-degree-seeking are not computed in the GPA unless the courses are transferred in and applied to the degree requirements. The program and the college must approve such actions.

Grades for transfer credits accepted toward the major will not be counted in the GPA unless the coursework in question was taken as a non-degree-seeking student at USF and meets the requirements stated above (see Institution Based Credit/Transfer of Credit section).

Graduate Grading System

Plus/Minus Grading:
The +/- designation must be included in the syllabus provided at the beginning of the course. The use of the +/- grading system is at the discretion of the instructor. The syllabus policy is available at:  https://usf.app.box.com/v/usfpolicy11-008

  Letter grade = number of grade points  
  A 4.00  
  A- 3.67  
  B+ 3.33  
  B 3.00  
  B- 2.67  
  C+ 2.33  
  C 2.00  
  C- 1.67  
  D+ 1.33  
  D 1.00  
  D- .67  
  F 0.00  
  E Course repeated, not included in GPA  
  FF Failure due to academic dishonesty (Graduate Students who receive an FF will be subject to academic sanctions, including possible Suspension, Dismissal, or Expulsion from the University and depending on the status, will not be eligible to apply to any graduate program at USF. See section on Academic Integrity of Students for more information.)^  
  IB Incomplete, grade points not applicable  
  IC Incomplete, grade points not applicable  
  ID Incomplete, grade points not applicable  
  IF Incomplete, grade points not applicable*  
  M Missing grade/no grade reported by instructor, grade points not applicable  
  N Audit, grade points not applicable  
  S/U Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, grade points not applicable  
  W Withdrawal or drop from course without penalty, grade points not applicable  
  WC Withdrawal for extenuating circumstances  
  Z Continuing registration in multi-semester internship or Thesis/Dissertation courses, grade points not applicable  

^FF grades appear on the unofficial transcript only; on the official transcript, they display as “F.”

* Incomplete grade policy change effective fall 08. IF grades earned and posted prior to fall 2008 do calculate in the GPA; IF grades earned as of fall 2008 forward do not calculate in the GPA refer to Incomplete Grade Policy for more information.

Satisfactory (S)/ Unsatisfactory (U)
Graduate students may not take courses in the major on an S/U (satisfactory / unsatisfactory) basis unless courses are specifically designated S/U in the Catalog. Students may take courses outside of the major on an S/U basis with prior approval of the course professor, major professor or advisor, and the Dean of the College in which the student is seeking a degree. The student may apply a maximum of six (6) hours of courses taken outside of the major for S/U credit toward a master’s degree. Directed Research, Thesis, and Dissertation courses are designated as variable credit and are graded on an S/U basis only. Before a student begins work under Directed Research, a written agreement must be completed between the student and the professor concerned, setting forth in detail the requirements of the course.

Incomplete (I)
Definition: An Incomplete grade (“I”) is exceptional and granted at the instructor’s discretion only when students are unable to complete course requirements due to illness or other circumstances beyond their control. This applies to all gradable courses, including Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U).

Students may only be eligible for an “I” when:

  • the majority of the student’s work for a course has been completed before the end of the semester the work that has been completed must be qualitatively satisfactory.
  • the student has requested consideration for an “I” grade as soon as possible but no later than the last day of finals week.

The student must request consideration for an Incomplete grade and obtain an “I” Grade Contract from the instructor of record. Even though the student may meet the eligibility requirements for this grade, the course instructor retains the right to make the final decision on granting a student’s request for an Incomplete. The course instructor and student must complete and sign the “I” Grade Contract Form that describes the work to be completed, the date it is due, and the grade the student would earn factoring in a zero for all incomplete assignments. The due date can be negotiated and extended by student/instructor as long as it does not exceed one semester from the original date grades were due for that course. The instructor must file a copy of the “I” Grade Contract in the department that offered the course and submitted through e-Grades by the date grades are due. The instructor must not require students to either re-register for the course or audit the course in order to complete the “I” grade. Students may register to audit the course, with the instructor’s approval, but cannot re-take the course for credit until the “I” grade is cleared. The instructor will be required to complete the I-Grade Contract online when posting the semester grade at the end of the term, identifying the remaining coursework to be completed, the student’s last day of attendance, and the percent of work accomplished to this point. This online contract will be automatically copied to the student’s email and to the Registrar.

An “I” grade not cleared within the next academic semester (including summer semester) will revert to the grade noted on the contract. “I” grades are not computed in the GPA, but the grade noted on the contract will be computed in the GPA, retroactive to the semester the course was taken, if the contract is not fulfilled by the specified date. When the final grade is assigned, if applicable, the student will be placed on academic probation or academically dismissed (refer to Automated Academic Probation Procedures for information). Students cannot be admitted to doctoral candidacy or certified for graduation with an “I” grade.


  • student has a “B” in the course, not including the grade for the missing assignment, therefore is eligible for an “I”
  • student’s grade, including a zero for the missed work, would be a “D”
  • student and instructor complete the “I” Grade Contract, assigning an “ID” (Incomplete - D grade)

Deadline Agreed Upon in Contract (e.g. two weeks):*
If the student completes the work as agreed upon in the Contract by the noted deadline

  • the instructor of record will submit a change of grade in e grades
  • student earns final grade comprised of all completed course work

If the student does not complete the work as agreed upon in the Contract by the noted deadline

  • “I” automatically drops off and the grade of “D” remains.
  • GPA is recalculated for the current semester and retroactively recalculated for the semester in which the “I” was granted.

* Although the instructor establishes the deadline for completion of the work, the deadline may only extend through the end of the subsequent semester.

Missing (M)
The University policy is to issue an M grade automatically when the instructor does not submit any grade for a graduate student. Until it is removed, the M is not computed in the GPA. To resolve the missing grade, students receiving an M grade must contact their instructor. If the instructor is not available, the student must contact the instructor’s department/school chair. Courses with an M grade may not be applied to the major requirements. Students with an M grade will not be admitted to doctoral candidacy until the M grade is resolved. Students cannot be certified for graduation with an M grade.

Continuing Registration Grades (Z)
The Z grade shall be used to indicate continuing registration in multi-semester internship or thesis/dissertation courses where the final grade to be assigned will indicate the complete sequence of courses or satisfactory completion of the thesis/dissertation. Upon satisfactory completion of a multi-semester internship or thesis/dissertation, the final grade assigned will be an S. The Office of Graduate Studies submits the change of grade for the last registration of thesis/dissertation courses once the thesis/dissertation has been accepted for publication.

Note: Graduation will not be certified until all courses have been satisfactorily completed. No grade changes will be processed after the student has graduated except in the case of university error. Procedures requiring petitions are processed through the Office of Graduate Studies.


Any student who is not in good standing at the end of a semester shall be considered on probation as of the following semester. The College or Major may also place students on probation for other reasons as designated by the College or Major. Notification of probation shall be made to the student in writing by the department, with a copy to the College Dean. At the end of each probationary semester, the department shall recommend, in writing, to the College Dean one of the following:

  1. Removal of probation
  2. Continued probation; OR
  3. Dismissal from the Major (See Academic Dismissal Policy).

Students on probation may only enroll in graduate courses (5000-7000 level) that are part of the approved degree major requirements as specified in the Graduate Catalog. Students with a GPA below 3.00 for two consecutive semesters will be prevented from registering for courses without the permission of the College Dean. The College Dean will notify the Dean of the Office of Graduate Studies in cases of academic dismissal. To be readmitted, the student will need to reapply for admission, meeting the admission criteria in place at the time.

Voluntary Withdrawal

A student may withdraw from the university without grade penalty by the University deadline. Information on the different types of withdrawal (i.e., withdrawing from a single class – see the Drop section, an entire semester, or from the major itself) can be obtained from the Office of Graduate Studies website: https://www.usf.edu/graduate-studies/forms.aspx.  Appropriate alternative calendar dates may apply. Students who withdraw may not continue to attend classes.

Transfer of Credit (From Institutions External to USF Tampa)

With the approval of the graduate major, college, and Office of Graduate Studies, students may transfer into their graduate major graduate-level structured coursework taken at other institutions of higher learning. Individual Graduate Majors may have more restrictive requirements.

  • May transfer only graduate-level (5000-7999) structured coursework with a grade of B (3.00) or better. Courses with Pass/Fail or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grades are not eligible for transfer. Grades from courses taken at other Institutions are not calculated in the USF GPA, although the courses are listed on the transcript and the hours are reflected in the total hours earned.
  • Thesis, Dissertation, Independent Study, Directed Research, and other courses taught one-on-one may not be transferred in, but must be completed at USF.
  • May transfer in up to 50% of a given graduate major’s total minimum hours as reflected in the individual major listings in the USF Graduate Catalog in effect at the time of initial enrollment for that major. For doctoral majors, this percentage is based on the post-baccalaureate minimums. Note – the 50% maximum includes the total of both external Transfer of Credit and Internal Application of credit. 
  • Must not have been used for a completed degree. For students with coursework from a completed degree, the specific course requirements in common across both majors may be waived with the substitution of other approved coursework at the discretion of the graduate advisor. For students entering a doctorate after completion of a master’s degree, departments may count up to 50% of the structured graduate credits from the master’s toward the post-baccalaureate requirements for the doctorate. The courses must be individually evaluated and transferred in.  Block transfers are not permitted.
  • Transferred courses must not be older than ten years at the time of graduation or course currency is required.
Approval Process and Deadlines for Transfer of Credit

Acceptance of transfer of credit requires submission of the Transfer of Credit Form and approval of the:

  • Graduate Director
  • College Dean or designee
  • Dean of the Office of Graduate Studies or designee

The Graduate Major / Department will be responsible for evaluating, approving, and initiating the transfer using established criteria to ensure academic integrity of the coursework. This must be completed and submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies no later than the end of the first semester when the student is enrolled in the graduate major.

Application of USF Credit

Up to 50% of graduate-level (5000-7999) structured coursework with a grade of B (3.00) or better, taken as a student at USF may be applied toward their master’s or specialist degree provided the courses are required for the major and have not been applied to any other graduate degree.  Department approval is required.

  • Doctoral degree-seeking students may enter either a post-bachelor’s or a post-master’s doctoral program.  If admitted to the post-master’s doctoral program, they only need to complete those requirements for the doctoral portion of the degree since the requirements for a master’s degree have been met.  
  • If admitted to the post-bachelor’s doctoral program, students must complete both the master’s and doctoral requirements.  In this situation, students entering the doctoral program after completion of a master’s degree from USF, departments may count up to 50% of the structured graduate credits (5000-7999) with a grade of B (3.00) or better, from the USF master’s toward the post-master’s requirements for the doctoral program. The courses must be individually evaluated and transferred in and may not be applied toward a second master’s degree. Block transfers are not permitted. Department approval is required.
  • The 50% is calculated based on the total minimum hours of the major as reflected in the individual major listings in the USF Graduate Catalog in effect at the time of initial enrollment for that major. For doctoral majors, this percentage is based on the post-baccalaureate minimums.
  • Courses must not have been used for a completed degree. For students with coursework from a completed degree, the specific course requirements in common across both majors may be waived with the substitution of other approved coursework at the discretion of the major.
  • Unstructured courses and courses with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grades are not eligible for application of credit. Grades from courses taken at USF are calculated in the USF GPA and are noted on the transcript.
  • Courses must not be older than ten years at the time of graduation or course currency is required.


All non-degree seeking coursework that is applicable to the major, taken from USF will be applied in the following situations, pending approval of the graduate major, College, and Office of Graduate Studies.

Only structured graduate courses, with a grade of B (3.00) or better and are applicable to the major, will be transferred in when taken as

  • an undergraduate student, and were not used as part of the undergraduate degree requirements
  • a Graduate Certificate student
  • a degree-seeking student, where the student is approved for a Change of Major to another graduate major
Students in an existing Major who drop to non-degree seeking status and seek readmission to the same major do not qualify for the exception.
Approval Process and Deadlines for Application of Internal Credit

Acceptance requires completion of the Application of Credit Form and approval of the

  • Graduate Director
  • College Dean or designee
  • Dean of the Office of Graduate Studies or designee

The Graduate Major / Department will be responsible for evaluating, approving, and initiating the application of credit using established criteria to ensure academic integrity of the coursework. This must be completed and submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies no later than the end of the first semester when the student is enrolled in the graduate major.

Change of Graduate Major

See Change of Graduate Major  in the Admissions Section.

Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathways 

Refer to theBachelor’s/Master’s Pathways  section for information


Concurrent Degrees

Refer to the Concurrent Degrees  Section for information.


Concurrent Concentrations

Students may complete more than one concentration within a major. Structured courses required for both concentrations may be shared across the two concentrations but may not be shared again with additional concentrations.  If more than two concentrations are pursued, then the required courses already shared in the first two concentrations would be waived for the additional concentrations and other coursework would need to be completed as a substitute.  The minimum hours for the major must still be met and all concentrations must be completed prior to degree conferral.  If the minimum hours for the major are not met as a result of the shared courses, then the student will need to complete additional elective coursework to meet the degree requirements.

Interdisciplinary Majors

A student may pursue a single graduate degree that spans several academic areas.

An Interdisciplinary Major –
Defined as a student pursuing a single stand-alone graduate degree, which is offered across two or more graduate majors. (Note: where two separate degrees are preferred, refer to the Concurrent Degree information above).

Application to an Interdisciplinary Major

Students interested in applying for admission to an Interdisciplinary Major follow the established University, College, and Major admission requirements – refer to the Office of Graduate Studies website for specific information for that particular major.

Development of an Interdisciplinary Major

Interdisciplinary Majors are formalized through the College, Office of Graduate Studies, and Graduate Council and must follow the University requirements for development of a new degree program and/or major, including notation on the Accountability Plan, if applicable. Procedures for developing an Interdisciplinary Major are available on the Office of Graduate Studies website. For information contact the Office of Graduate Studies.

Off-Campus Courses and Majors

Graduate courses and majors are offered at locations other than the Tampa, Sarasota, and St. Petersburg, campuses. Information on course enrollment procedures for off-campus courses and majors may be obtained from the College in which the courses or majors are offered.