Jan 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathways

Jump to List of Current Pathways


Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathways:

Bachelor/Master’s Pathways allow highly qualified undergraduate students to complete a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree or a Bachelor’s degree and a professional doctorate in a select few majors. Bachelor/Master’s Pathways commonly offer a shorter duration to completion of both degrees, graduating sooner than in traditional programs. Students may be nominated by faculty or may directly apply to a Pathway option by submitting the Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathways Application Form.  

Once approved, students complete a portion of the required graduate coursework while classified as an undergraduate student and have it count towards both degrees. As soon as the student completes the undergraduate degree requirements, a Progression Form is submitted to admit the student to graduate student status, where the remaining graduate requirements are fulfilled. 

Note: Although students may be in a Bachelor/Master’s Pathway, pursuing a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree at the same time, they cannot be enrolled in two levels at once.


  • Require that degrees are conferred sequentially (bachelor’s should be conferred as soon as requirements are met).
  • Have an approved Program of Study, including a plan for academic advising and notation for financial aid impact.
  • May share three to twelve (3-12) hours of structured graduate coursework depending on the combined credit total of the bachelor’s/master’s pathway or between the graduate degree and the Judy Genshaft Honors College curriculum requirements tied to the undergraduate major. Refer to the specific major below for total hours approved to be shared.
  • Require approval from the Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council, and if applicable, SACSCOC. It is preferred that the total combined credits be at least 150 credits (120 bachelor’s and 30 master’s) after the shared coursework is counted. Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathways with less than 150 total combined credits may be considered for approval but require submission of a justification form for approval.
  • Require a 3.33 GPA overall and a 3.50 GPA in the undergraduate major.
  • Require a minimum of 15 hours in the undergraduate major to be completed before a student may apply for consideration for the Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathway.  Typically students apply at the end of the junior year.
  • Require a “B” (3.00) in each graduate course taken as part of the shared credits applied to both undergraduate and graduate majors. Students who receive lower than a “B” (3.00) in a graduate course may be required to re-take the course to obtain a minimum grade of “B” for it to apply to the graduate degree requirements if the overall graduate GPA is less than a 3.00 or if the major requires a “B” in that course.
  • Must meet admission requirements for the graduate major to progress to the graduate level.
  • Students pay graduate tuition when taking graduate courses.

Application and Progression

  • Application - Students may be considered for acceptance into the Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathways through faculty nomination or student self-nomination via submission of the Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathways Application Form. The application requires approval from the Graduate Major, College, and Office of Graduate Studies. Prior to formal application students should have met with Undergraduate Advisor and Graduate Director to develop an approved Program of Study, including plan for advising and notation for financial aid impact.

  • Notes:

    • Applicants to the Art History B.A. to M.A. must have completed 24 credit hours in the Art History undergraduate major prior to application.

    • Applicants to the English B.A. to M.A. (Literature Concentration) must have completed ENG 3014 prior to admission to the Pathway and must include a letter of recommendation from a Literary Studies faculty with the application.

    • Applicants to the Humanities and Cultural Studies B.A. to Liberal Arts M.A. must have completed FIL 1002 with a “B” or higher prior to admission to the Pathway.

    • Applicants to the Biomedical Sciences B.S. to Pharmacy Pharm.D. must be admitted to Honors College as a first-year student and must hold US citizenship or permanent resident status. In addition - Completion of a minimum of 60 contact credit hours of volunteering is required by the end of the second year.  Contact the College of Pharmacy for application requirements.  Students earning below the required 3.00 in the shared coursework can still proceed to earn a Pharm.D. degree but will no longer be in the B.S. to Pharm.D. Pathway program. Students wishing to complete the B.S. degree will need to consult with a Chemistry Department Academic Advisor.

  • Progression to Graduate Student Status - Advisors/Graduate Directors will verify graduate admission eligibility and submit the required paperwork (Progression Form) to the Office of Admissions to officially admit the student to graduate standing, no later than the semester in which the student will reach 120 hours or the semester in which the Bachelor’s degree will be conferred.
For information on the specific admission and curriculum requirements for each major, refer to the listing in their respective Undergraduate or Graduate Catalogs.  Contact the Department(s) offering the Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathway for more information and advising.  A list of contacts for graduate majors is available here:  http://www.grad.usf.edu/programs/search_all.php

List of Bachelor’s/Master’s Pathways  

Shared Requirements are Listed Alphabetically by Graduate Major. 
For faster searching, type Control F and enter the major name.



Total Minimum

Combined Hours

Number of Credit hours of structured graduate coursework
from the graduate major that satisfies
the same number of credit hours of
undergraduate major electives
Total Combined Hours After Sharing



6 150

Advertising B.S. (120 Credit Hours) to Advertising M.S. (36 Credit Hours)

156 6 150
Integrated Public Relations and Advertising B.S. (120 Credit Hours to Advertising (36 Credit Hours) 
156 6 150
Mass Communications B.A. (120 Credit Hours) to Advertising (36 Credit Hours) 156 6 150


Art History B.A. (120 Credit Hours) to 
Art History M.A. (38 Credit Hours)
158 8 150


Biomedical Engineering B.S.B.E. (126 Credit Hours) to
Biomedical Engineering M.S.B.E. (30 Credit Hours)
156 6 150
Chemical Engineering B.S.C.H. (131 Credit Hours) to
Biomedical Engineering M.S.B.E. (30 Credit Hours)
161 9 151


Chemical Engineering B.S.C.H. (131 Credit Hours) to
Chemical Engineering M.S.C.H. (30 Credit Hours)
161 6 155


Civil Engineering B.S.C.E. (131 Credit hours) to
Civil Engineering M.S.C.E. (30 Credit Hours)
161 6 155


Computer Science B.S.C.S (120 Credit Hours) to
Computer Science M.S.C.S. (30 Credit Hours)
150 6 144


Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E. (128 Credit Hours) to
Electrical Engineering M.S.E.E. (30 Credit Hours)
158 6 152


Chemical Engineering B.S.C.H. (131 Credit Hours) to
Engineering Management M.S.E.M. (30 Credit Hours)
161 6 155
Civil Engineering B.S.C.E. (131 Credit Hours) to
Engineering Management M.S.E.M. (30 Credit Hours)
161 6 155
Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E. (128 Credit Hours) to
Engineering Management M.S.E.M. (30 Credit Hours)
158 3 155


English with a Concentration in Literary Studies B.A. (120 Credit Hours) to
English with a Concentration in Literature M.A. (33 Credit Hours)
153 3 150


Civil Engineering B.S.C.E. (131 Credit Hours) to
Environmental Engineering M.S.E.V. (30 Credit Hours)
161 6 155


Humanities and Cultural Studies: Film & Media Studies Concentration B.A. (120 Credit Hours) to
Liberal Arts: Film Studies Concentration M.A. (33 Credit Hours)
153 12 141


Integrated Public Relations and Advertising B.S. (120 Credit Hours) to
Mass Communications M.A. (36 Credit Hours)
156 6 150
Mass Communications (120 Credit Hours) to
Mass Communications M.A. (36 Credit Hours)
156 6 150


Chemical Engineering B.S.C.E. (131 Credit Hours) to
Materials Science and Engineering M.S.M.S.E. (30 Credit Hours)
161 6 155
Civil Engineering B.S.C.H. (131 Credit Hours) to
Materials Science and Engineering M.S.M.S.E. (30 Credit Hours)
161 6 155
Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E. (128 Credit Hours) to
Materials Science and Engineering M.S.M.S.E. (30 Credit Hours)
158 3 155


Honors College - Undergraduate Bachelor’s B.S. (120 Credit Hours) to
Medicine M.D. (4-Year Professional Program)
N/A 12 120/4 year program


Biomedical Sciences B.S. (120 Credit Hours) to
Pharmacy Pharm.D. (151 Credit Hours)
271 10 261


Public Health B.S.P.H. (120 Credit Hours) to
Public Health M.P.H. (42 Credit Hours)
162 12 150