Sep 27, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Course Information

USF Graduate Course Information

Florida’s Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS)

Reference: Authority for Acceptance of Equivalent Courses - Section 1007.24(7), Florida Statutes,

SCNS facilitates the transfer of students among Florida’s postsecondary institutions.  By Florida law, an institution accepting a transfer student from another participating institution must award credit for courses which are equivalent to courses offered by the receiving institution that have been satisfactorily completed at the previous institution, including consideration of faculty credentials.  Credits awarded must satisfy the requirements of the receiving institution on the same basis as credits awarded to native students.

  • The prefix is a three-letter abbreviation representing a broad subject area.  The prefix is not intended to identify the Department in which a course is offered.    Rather, the content of a course determines the assigned prefix to identify the course.
  • The level number is the FIRST numeric digit of the course number, representing the year in college the course is usually taken:
    • 0 College Preparatory or vocational
    • 1-2 Lower-Level college courses (freshman, sophomore)
    • 3-4 Upper-Level college courses (junior, senior)
    • 5-9 Graduate courses
  • It is expected that the 5000-6000-7000 graduate levels will have distinct syllabi demonstrating different depth and breadth of the subject matter as reflected in the course requirements.  The courses presuppose different audiences, and the intention is to offer them at distinct levels.
    • 5000-5999 Typically Introductory Graduate Level Courses
    • 6000-6999 Typically Master’s Level Courses
    • 7000-7999 Typically Doctoral Level Courses
  • 8000+ professional graduate courses (i.e., MD, etc.)The three-digit course number identifies the specific content of the course
  • The Lab Code is used to indicate that a course is a laboratory component of a lecture/lab pair, or that an integrated lab is a component of a combined course.  If no lab code is specified, the course does not include a laboratory component:
    • L = Lab section of a lecture/lab pair
    • C = combined lecture/lab course

The following is an example of a course identifier:

Example of Course Identifier:
Prefix - AMH
Level - 4
Course Number - 571
Lab Code - —

In this example, AMH 4571 is an Early African-American history course within the American History (AMH) subject area that is taught at the upper *(senior level.  The course has no lab component.

The system uses the prefix and three-digit course number to represent equivalent courses. Institutions may use their own titles to describe the course content. There are some categories of courses that are exceptions, and transfer is not guaranteed. Those exceptions include the following:

  1. Courses not offered by the receiving institution.
  2. For courses at non-regionally accredited institutions, courses offered prior to the established transfer date of the course in question.
  3. Courses in the X900-999 series are not automatically transferrable and must be evaluated individually.
  4. College preparatory and vocational preparatory courses (0-level).
  5. Graduate courses.
  6. Internships, apprenticeships, practicums, clinical experiences and study-abroad courses with numbers other than those in the X900-999 series.
  7. Applied courses in the performing arts (Art, Dance, Interior Design, Music, and Theatre [TPP x000-x299]) and skills courses in Criminal Justice are not guaranteed as transferrable.

Dual enrollment courses completed in high school, and credit completed by examination for which credit is awarded by a participating institution, will transfer on the same basis as courses satisfactorily completed at the participating institution. The receiving institution is never precluded from accepting non-equivalent courses to satisfy certain requirements (e.g., electives). More information about the SCNS can be found in the SCNS Handbook on the homepage.  

Courses may be viewed in the following ways:

  1. Current course listings: refer to the Course Descriptions section of the Graduate Catalog.
  2. Recently approved courses and changed courses: refer to the USF Course Inventory

Courses offered for credit by the University of South Florida are listed with the Program or College that offers them.   Courses are numbered based on content, rather than by department or program. This means that a single program may have courses in several different disciplines and may consist of courses having several different prefixes.

The University reserves the right to substitute, not offer, and add courses and programs that are listed in this catalog.
Abbreviations used in course descriptions:
G - Graduate
PR - Prerequisite
CI - With the consent of the instructor
CC - With the consent of the chairperson of the department or program
CR - Co-requisite
DPR - Departmental Permit Required
Lec - Lecture
Lab - Laboratory
Dem - Demonstration
Pro - Problem
Dis - Discussion
ML - Master’s Level
GS - Graduate Standing
Rpt - May be repeated
UL - Upper level
S/U - No grade, Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Only