2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Anthropology B.A.
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Plans of Study
Anthropology aims at comprehending people as biological and social beings. It is concerned with all forms of people through time and space. This holistic and broad-ranging view is reflected by the presence within the Anthropology program of four branches or sub-fields: Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Linguistics. Exposure to anthropological information and the cross-cultural perspective produces heightened sensitivity in the student to the world around them. This helps the student to adopt an intellectual posture of disciplined skepticism with respect to any scheme that purports to define and account for regularities in human life. Students majoring in other fields may find Anthropology coursework an exciting and valuable supplement to their primary academic interest.
Certified Global Pathway
This program has been certified as a Global Pathway, which has significant global content. Students in Global Pathway programs are well positioned to earn the Global Citizen Award. For more information, visit the Office of High Impact Practices and Undergraduate Research website.
University Admissions - College of Arts and Sciences
Admission to the University is based on the University’s Undergraduate Admission Requirements that may be found by clicking on the following urls: For Admission information specific to the College of Arts and Sciences, see the information at College of Arts and Sciences . Graduation Requirements - College of Arts and Sciences
Satisfactory completion of the following requirements: - Students must complete all State and University level graduation requirements.
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in USF coursework. Note: Some Departments/program/major require a higher GPA. Students should refer to Department/program/major specific catalog requirements.
- The College may approve an exception when a student has successfully earned the minimum grade required for all courses applied in the major but does not have a major GPA of 2.0.
- Physical Education coursework is limited to two (2) semester hours.
- ROTC courses that are primarily physical training and field experiences will not be applied to College of Arts and Sciences degree programs. All other military Science coursework will apply, in particular, coursework utilized toward completing an established ROTC minor will be applied to the total hours toward degree.
- When earning a second degree, double major or concurrent degree, the Major Core and Major Elective/Concentration areas of the degree audit must not overlap for both degrees. All other areas of the degree audit may have overlapping credit hours applied.
- Maximum of 20 hours of S/U option. S/U contracts must be negotiated in writing within the first three (3) weeks of the term. None of the 20 credits may be taken in the student’s major unless S/U is the only grading option. Coursework fulfilling the General Education Core Curriculum Requirements and the State Communication Requirement (formerly known as Gordon Rule Writing) and State Computation Requirement (formerly known as Gordon Rule Math) may not be taken S/U.
- The Audit option is available only during the first 5 days of classes.
- Complete all major course requirements.
- College of Arts and Sciences students are expected to complete a minimum of 50% of their major and/or minor coursework in residence at USF. Some College of Arts and Sciences Departments/programs/majors have established additional major course hours to be taken in residency at USF. See the major or program section of the catalog for these credit-hour requirements.
Anthropology Required Courses: (43 credit hours)
State Mandated Common Course Prerequisites - Anthropology B.A. (6 credit hours)
Following Florida BOG Regulation 8.010, state mandated common course prerequisites are lower-division courses that are required for progression into the upper division of a particular baccalaureate degree program. Transfer students should complete the State Mandated Common Course Prerequisites at the lower level prior to entering the university. If these courses are not taken at a Florida College System institution, they must be completed before the degree is granted. Successful completion of the common prerequisites alone does not guarantee a student admission into the degree program. Unless stated otherwise, a grade of C- is the minimum acceptable grade in prerequisite courses. - ANT X000-X999 Two Introductory Courses in Anthropology - 3 credit hours each (6 total credit hours)
State Mathematics Pathway – Anthropology B.A. (6 Credit Hours)
The Anthropology B.A. uses the Mathematical Thinking in Context Mathematics Pathway with the following requirements: Major Core Courses: 4 courses; 10 credit hours
Other Required Courses: 3 courses: 9 credit hours
Major (Restricted) Electives: 6 courses; 18 credit hours
Choose a minimum of 18 hours of 4000-level elective coursework, including at least one course from each subfield, from the courses listed below. A minimum of three (3) of these 18 credits must be selected from the list of Methods Subfield courses. Note: A course may not be used to satisfy more than one subfield requirement. Biological Anthropology Subfield
Cultural Anthropology Subfield
Additional Information - Anthropology B.A.
Other Requirements
Anthropology majors are urged to become competent readers and speakers of a relevant foreign language (which may include American Sign Language, Latin, or Greek, depending on their interests). They are also urged to enhance their English reading, writing, speaking and critical thinking capabilities and develop their skills in computational, statistical and other forms of quantitative analysis at every opportunity. Students are encouraged to fulfill General Education and Exit requirements with courses relevant to their interests in anthropology whenever possible. In pursuit of all these goals, they should meet with the department’s undergraduate advisor at least once each semester to discuss such topics as academic progress, future course plans, Anthropology’s Honors Program, summer field schools, job opportunities, graduate education and professional careers in anthropology. GPA Requirements
Major GPA (All USF courses which are applied to major requirements): 2.5 General Education GPA (All USF courses which are applied to General Education requirements): 2.0 USF GPA: 2.0 Overall GPA: 2.0 Grading Requirements
C- or better to meet major course requirements unless specified elsewhere. Will vary by area. Note: Some USF courses have higher grade criteria to meet prerequisite knowledge necessary for progression into higher level courses. Residency Requirements
Department and College of Arts & Sciences Major Academic Residency Requirement - 50% of major must be completed at USF USF Academic Residency Requirement - 30 of the last 60 hours earned must be from USF Internship Opportunities - Anthropology B.A.
Through the internship program, anthropology students have the opportunity to receive educational, hands-on training from various organizations, agencies, companies or institutions for credit. The course includes an exploration of the ethics of applied anthropology and careers in applied settings, such as community organizing, forensics, public/community health, or cultural resource management. Students will complete field journals and receive feedback from advisers throughout. This course fulfills selective credits required for the completion of the anthropology program. For more information, please visit: http://anthropology.usf.edu/internships/. Optional Honors Program - Anthropology B.A.
The purpose of the Honors Program is to provide outstanding Anthropology undergraduates with advanced, individually tailored training in areas of anthropology of interest to them. The program, operating independently of the major itself, involves a year of coursework and research culminating in the writing of an Honors thesis. Students in the first semester of their junior year, prior to completion of 90 semester hours, may apply to the program. Admission is competitive, based on the student’s overall academic record: - Minimum overall 3.25 GPA,
- 3.5 GPA for USF Anthropology coursework,
- A two-page, personal statement indicating research interests, and
- A letter of recommendation and commitment from a faculty member of the Department of Anthropology.
Successful completion of the program requires: - Maintenance of an overall 3.25 GPA,
- Maintenance of a 3.5 GPA in the major,
- Completion of ANT 4932 Honors Seminar, with a grade of B or better,
- Completion of ANT 4970 (3) (Honors Thesis) with a grade of “S,”
- Presentation of the research at the Department’s Honors Colloquium, and
- Completion of all other requirements for graduation.
Please see the Anthropology Department undergraduate advisor for further information and application forms. Research Opportunities - College of Arts and Sciences
There are a number of options to receive academic credit for a mentored research experience and to have the experience show on the official transcript. Students who wish to enroll in an undergraduate research course should consult with their academic advisor to understand how the credit will apply towards the degree requirements. Students may do a ANT 4901 - Directed Reading or ANT 4905 - Individual Research with credits applying to the major. If no credit is needed, students may be eligible to enroll in the 0-credit IDS 2912 , IDS 4914 or IDS 4910 courses. These courses will not impact degree credits or GPA but will show on an official transcript and document the experience. The Office of High Impact Practices and Undergraduate Research will assist students in understanding the various course options (https://www.usf.edu/undergrad/hipur/index.aspx). Advising Information - College of Arts and Sciences
Undergraduate Advising Information The College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) Advising Team provides students with support to create timely graduation plans that will integrate both their academic and professional goals. Each of our undergraduate programs has dedicated professional advisors with specialized knowledge and understanding of the major requirements, course offerings, undergraduate research, and career opportunities in their field. Additionally, we have dedicated pre-health and prelaw advisors to help students prepare for admission to professional graduate programs. CAS Academic Advisor Contact information can be found here: CAS Advisors To schedule an advising appointment: Advising Appointments Plans of Study - Anthropology B.A.
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