2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Advertising B.S.
Plans of Study
The Advertising major in the Muma College of Business is unique in that it is a collaborative effort between the Zimmerman School of Advertising and Mass Communications in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Marketing Department in the Muma College of Business. The major complements an existing Advertising track in the Mass Communications major and provides students the opportunity to combine the creative, media, and account planning aspects of advertising with knowledge, skills, and abilities in accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management, marketing and strategy.
University Admissions - Muma College of Business
Admission to the University is based on the University’s Undergraduate Admission Requirements that may be found by clicking on the following urls: Progression Requirements - Muma College of Business
All students entering USF for the first time in Fall 2017 or later, who subsequently earn three (3) D and/or F grades in any or any combination of the following courses at USF will be required to change their major to a major more appropriate to their goals and academic performance and to a major not conferred by the Muma College of Business. The courses are: ACG 2021 , ACG 2071 , CGS 2100 , ECO 2013 , ECO 2023 , MAC 2233 (or equivalent), and QMB 2100 (or equivalent). Graduation Requirements - Muma College of Business
Satisfactory completion of the following requirements: - General Education Program (36 credit hours), including State Core General Education Requirements;
- State Computation (6 credit hours);
- State Communication (6 credit hours, in addition to ENC 1101 and ENC 1102 );
- Minimum of 120 unduplicated credit hours;
- A minimum adjusted grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on all coursework taken at USF and an overall 2.0 GPA average on all college-level coursework;
- Major and college requirements in a chosen degree program;
- Nine credit hours of coursework taken during the summer term(s) (if entered USF with less than 60 credit hours);
- Registration and successful completion of at least thirty (30) of the last sixty (60) credit hours;
- 42 credit hours of upper-level coursework;
- Civics Literacy;
- Foreign language admissions coursework.
Please note: When earning a second degree, double major or concurrent degree, the Major Core and Major Elective/Concentration areas of the degree audit must not overlap for both degrees. When earning a Business Minor AND Business Major, no courses may overlap. Required Courses: (95 credit hours)
State Mandated Common Course Prerequisites - Advertising B.S. (21 credit hours)
Following Florida BOG Regulation 8.010, state mandated common course prerequisites are lower-division courses that are required for progression into the upper division of a particular baccalaureate degree program. Transfer credits will be accepted from accredited institutions; however, all hours earned may not be applied toward USF business degree requirements. Individual courses will be evaluated by an academic advisor and appropriately credited toward requirements in the student’s program at USF. Florida public state or community college students enrolled in an Associate of Arts (AA) program should normally complete the general education requirements and the State Mandated Common Prerequisites at a Florida College System institution. As a rule, AA students should avoid taking any business courses at the state or community college that are listed as 3000- and 4000-level courses at USF. Normally, courses in finance, marketing, management, and accounting, as well as other business administration courses, taken at the lower division level will not be accepted for upper division credit at USF in business administration. In general, business courses taken at the lower level, at technical schools, or as part of professional or military training, are not applicable to the degree programs of the Muma College of Business. Exceptions to this policy will be made only upon proper validation of such courses. Validation consists of successfully completing specified advanced courses in the discipline. Florida College System students pursuing an Associate of Science (AS) program in Business Administration are fully admissible to USF Muma College of Business, but may only earn a major in Management. Please see a business advisor to determine the articulation courses, discuss admission to the Muma College of Business and prepare a program plan for degree completion. Florida College System students pursuing an Associate of Science (A.S.) program in any other discipline should contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies, SVC 2002, (813) 974-4051, for information regarding course transferability and degree articulation. Completion of the following State Mandated Common Course Prerequisites (or equivalents) with a grade of C or higher in each course and an overall 2.5 GPA in the seven (7) courses: - ACG X021 Principles of Financial Accounting OR ACG X022 OR (ACG X001 AND ACG X011) - 3-6 credit hours
- ACG X071 Managerial Accounting OR ACG X301 - 3 credit hours
- CGS X100 Computers in Business OR CGS X100C OR CGS X570 OR CGS X060 OR CGS X531 OR CGS X000 OR ISM X000 - 3 credit hours
- ECO X013 Principles of Macroeconomics - 3 credit hours
- ECO X023 Principles of Microeconomics - 3 credit hours
- STA X023 Introductory Statistics OR STA X122 OR QMB X100 - 3 credit hours
- MAC X233 Elementary Calculus - 3 credit hours
State Mathematics Pathway – Advertising B.S. (6 Credit Hours)*
The Advertising B.S. uses the Statistical Reasoning Mathematics Pathway with the following requirements: Business Foundation Courses: 9 courses; 27 credit hours
A minimum grade of C- in each Foundation Course and an overall 2.0 GPA is required. - BUL 3320 - Law And Business I Credit(s): 3
- CAI 3801 - Artificial Intelligence and Analytics for Organizations Credit(s): 3
- FIN 3403 - Principles of Finance Credit(s): 3
- GEB 4890 - Strategic Management and Decision Making Credit(s): 3
- MAN 3025 - Principles of Management Credit(s): 3
- MAN 4504 - Operations and Supply Chain Management Credit(s): 3
- MAR 3023 - Basic Marketing Credit(s): 3
- QMB 3302 - Data Analytics for Business Credit(s): 3
- RMI 3004 - Principles of Risk Management Credit(s): 3
- Finance, Personal Financial Planning, and Risk Management and Insurance majors must earn a C, not a C-, in FIN 3403 with no more than two attempts.
- Business Analytics and Information Systems (B.A.I.S.) and Information Assurance and Cybersecurity Management majors must earn C, not C-, in CAI 3801 .
- Advertising, Marketing, and Supply Chain Management majors must earn a C, not a C-, in MAR 3023 .
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Business Analytics majors must earn a B, and not a B-, in CAI 3801 and QMB 3302 .
Other Advertising Required Courses: 4 courses; 12 credit hours
Major Core Courses: 8 courses; 24 credit hours
Students must complete the courses below with a minimum grade of C, not C-. Major (Restricted) Electives: 5 courses; 11 credit hours
Additional Information - Advertising B.S.
GPA Requirements
At least a minimum of a C (not C-) grade must be earned in each course. An overall GPA of 2.0 is required in the major for graduation. Residency Requirement
In the major, 12 of the 15 Advertising hours and 15 of the 20 Marketing hours must be taken in residency at USF. Internship Opportunities
Advertising students will be required to complete internships as part of their degree program. Other Requirements
- All Advertising majors must participate a study abroad experience.
- All Advertising majors must live in the Zimmerman Advertising Program (ZAP) Living Learning Community during their freshman year.
- All Advertising majors must complete an approved international business course.
Computer Requirement: All students entering the Muma College of Business are required to have a laptop computer with minimum 8 GB memory (RAM), 256 GB hard disk, and Intel i5 or above or equivalent processor with either Windows 11 (or above) or Mac OS 11 (or above) that they can use in their classes and labs. Other computing devices such as Chromebook, Android Tablet, iPad, and Ubuntu Laptop will not be able to meet the requirements of classes at Muma College of Business. The laptop computer must be capable of connecting to the internet wirelessly and installing and accessing software applications through a central server and have audio and video capabilities. Research Opportunities - Muma College of Business
Undergraduate students in any degree program are able to participate in undergraduate research. Several options exist to show mentored undergraduate research activity on a student’s official transcript. Those who wish to enroll in an undergraduate research course should consult with their academic advisor to understand how the credit will apply towards the degree requirements. If no credit is needed, students may be eligible to enroll in the 0-credit IDS 4914 course. This course will not impact degree credits or GPA but will show on an official transcript and document the experience. The Office of High Impact Practices and Undergraduate Research (HIPUR) is able to assist with further inquiries. |