The Biotechnology Graduate Certificate provides both biological and chemical scientists and engineers with the necessary coursework for a broad understanding of the principles of biotechnology and their application to different biological, biomedical, chemical and engineering problems.The rapid explosion of genomic information available for a variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms has resulted in the interdisciplinary field of biotechnology contributing increasingly important roles in the study of a diverse array of biological, biomedical and engineering problems.
To solve these problems, more biological and chemical scientists and engineers require familiarity with modern biochemical and molecular biology pathways, biotechnical applications and protocols to perform their professional duties more efficiently and to gain additional insight into the relevance and applications of biotechnology. The diverse array and magnitude of available biotechnology information challenges scientists to translate this data into new discoveries and applications in such areas as transgenic organisms, bioremediation, bioprocess development and the design of novel therapeutics. Whether the need is academic or professional, familiarity with modern biotechnology and recombinant DNA methods or molecular biological‐based analyses has become an essential component of most biological‐, biomedical‐ or bioengineering‐oriented studies.