Feb 13, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Student Services and Resources


Student studying in library

Academic Advising Resources for Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate Academic Advising Offices

Advising is available to help guide you through your Plan of Study and serve as a resource while obtaining your degree. Plan on meeting with your advisor once a semester.

New Admits – First Year & Transfer:

Please refer to your Orientation (link:https://www.usf.edu/orientation/index.aspx) materials and MyBullsPath online in the Archivum platform for more information about how to begin your academic advising experience at USF.

Continuing Students:

Please visit Archivum appointment scheduling to schedule an appointment or to access the virtual drop-in portal for your academic college (Appointment and drop-in availability varies by location – visit location webpages below for more details).

Tampa Campus

College of Arts and Sciences advisors - https://www.usf.edu/arts-sciences/students/advising/index.aspx

College of Behavioral & Community Sciences - https://www.usf.edu/cbcs/undergraduate/advising.aspx 
Office: MHC 1143
Phone: 813-974-8441

Muma College of Business - https://www.usf.edu/business/undergraduate/advising/
Office: BSN 2102
Email: bsnadvising@usf.edu
Phone: 813-974-4290

College of Education - https://www.usf.edu/education/about-us/advising.aspx
Office: EDU 106
Email: edu-advise@usf.edu
Phone: 813-974-2979

College of Engineering - https://www.usf.edu/engineering/student-services/academic-advising/
Office: ENC 1302
Phone: 813-974-2684

College of Nursing - https://health.usf.edu/nursing/undergraduate/advising
Office: MDA 1002
Email: nurstudent@usf.edu
Phone: 813-974-2191

College of Public Health - https://health.usf.edu/publichealth/undergrad/advising
Office: CPH 1039
Email – BS in Public Health: UG-PublicHealthAdvising@usf.edu / BS in Health Science: HHSadvise@usf.edu
Phone: 813-974-4633

College of Design, Art, and Performance - https://www.usf.edu/arts/advising/
Office: FAH 120
Email: info@arts.usf.edu
Phone: 813-974-3660

Honors College - https://www.usf.edu/honors/current-students/advising.aspx
Office: HON 1001
Email: contactus@honors.usf.edu
Phone: 813-974-3087

Office of Undergraduate Studies - https://www.usf.edu/undergrad/programs/ugs-degree-programs-staff.aspx
Office: SVC 2002
E-mail: askundergraduatestudies@usf.edu
Phone: 813-974-4051

St. Petersburg campus

Academic Advising Center- https://www.stpetersburg.usf.edu/academics/academic-resources/academic-advising/about/index.aspx
Email: USFSP-advising@usf.edu
Phone: 727-873-4511

Sarasota-Manatee campus

Sarasota-Manatee Campus Academic Resources - https://www.sarasotamanatee.usf.edu/academics/academic-resources/academic-advising/index.aspx
Email: sar-advising@usf.edu
Phone: 941-359-4330

Academic Resources and Programs

Academic Advocacy

Academic Advocates are dedicated to serving undergraduate students in their pursuit of timely progression to graduation. We work individually with students in academic distress to review their options, and we collaborate with academic departments, colleges and university personnel to improve retention and progression to graduation. Undergraduate students identified as experiencing barriers to retention, progression, or graduation may receive direct outreach from an Academic Advocate to review their progress and to advise them towards graduation. Major advisors and university department staff can refer a student to an Academic Advocate when they perceive an academic barrier for that student.

Tampa Campus

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, SVC 2002
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-4051

St. Petersburg Campus

140 7th Ave. South, Bay 129
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Sarasota Manatee Campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34243

Academic Success Centers

Learning support services are available to all USF students on all three campuses. Each campus has a dedicated center that offers a supportive environment conducive to helping students achieve their highest learning potential.  All services are free to enrolled USF students.

The Academic Success Center (Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, LIB 206
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-2713

The Academic Success Center offers a range of options for subject-specific tutoring, a comprehensive Writing Studio, a Math Lab, and other learning support services in the form of workshops, courses for credit, and specialized program support for several student cohorts ranging from first-year access programs to graduate students.

SMART Lab (Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, LIB 232
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-9944

The SMART Lab is an innovative learning environment dedicated to supporting students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 324-computer lab, students enrolled in SMART Lab courses use software to complete assignments at their own pace, receive instant feedback as they learn mathematics by doing, and get on-demand assistance from instructors, tutors or teaching assistants. Our goal is to help students build a foundation of study skills that will allow them to learn mathematics and progress towards becoming independent learners. To seek help in SMART Lab courses, complete lab work, or ask additional questions visit us during our hours of operation on the second floor of the Library, LIB 232.

Tutoring Hub (Tampa Campus)

University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, LIB 206
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-2713

The Tutoring Hub at the Academic Success Center offers USF students tutoring assistance in a wide variety of subjects. Help is available on a drop-in basis or via appointments in a collaborative peer-to-peer group setting. A list of the courses tutored can be found on our website (https://www.usf.edu/undergrad/academic-success-center/tutoring/courses-tutored.aspx).

The Writing Studio (Tampa Campus)

University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, LIB 233
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-8293

The Writing Studio encourages students to engage in writing as a recursive practice through sustained research, analysis, and reflection. The Studio’s mission is to support USF students as they develop writing, reading, and critical thinking practices appropriate for their majors and future professions. The Studio is proud to serve writers at all levels of study, from all disciplines, and at all stages of the writing process. Our peer consultants are experienced undergraduate and graduate students and professional writers from a variety of disciplines. We offer face-to-face consultations as well as occasional workshops for campus partners. In keeping with best practices for Writing Studios, we do not provide copyediting services. Our approach emphasizes non-directive feedback, Socratic questioning, and active learning.

Debbie Nye Sembler Academic Student Success Center (St. Petersburg campus)

140 7th Ave. S., DAV 107
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 873-4632

The Debbie Nye Sembler Academic Student Success Center (SSC) offers: subject-specific appointment and drop-in tutoring; Supplemental Instruction sessions for historically challenging courses like chemistry and psychological statistics; and writing consultations either face-to-face or through its online service. Each semester, the SSC also hosts a variety of workshops focused on key learning strategies and techniques.

The MathLab (St. Petersburg Campus)
140 7th Ave. S., HWH 232
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 873-4632

Like the SMART Lab in Tampa, The MathLab also supports students in introductory math courses through tutoring assistance and technology. In the 30-computer lab located on the second floor of H. William Heller Hall, HWH 232, students enrolled in certain math courses, like College Algebra, use software to complete their homework and can get on-demand support from tutors or instructors. This lab also serves as the primary testing location for College Algebra, as well as the retest location for other introductory math courses.

Academic Success Center (Sarasota-Manatee Campus)

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, SMC B130
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 359-4342

The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides academic support to students through subject tutoring, writing consultations, interactive workshops and resource materials. Tutoring is offered face-to-face, through small group sessions, or via online virtual sessions in select subjects and courses. Writing style guides for APA, MLA, Chicago style and other resources are also available to students.

Fishman Family Student-Athlete Enrichment Center (Tampa Campus)

12503 USF Bull Run Dr.
Tampa, FL 33617

Welcome to Academic Services and the Fishman Family Student-Athlete Enrichment Center (FFSAEC) at the University of South Florida in amazing Tampa Bay! USF Athletics, the Office of Undergraduate Studies (UGS) and the Academic Services unit are proud to serve and support our student-athletes as they work to achieve their academic, athletic and personal goals at USF.  Our dedicated team of professional staff bring a wealth of experience and energy and are committed to providing a comprehensive array of support services and resources aimed at contributing to a first-class student-athlete experience. Collectively, we maintain an environment devoted to integrity and compliance and are holistically committed to USF Athletics’ mission of winning in the Classroom, the Community and on the fields of Competition.   

Conveniently located on the second floor of the Lee Roy Selmon Athletics Center in the Athletics District, The Fishman Family Student-Athlete Enrichment Center is the hub for our student-athlete support services. The Center houses staff and resources from Athletics Compliance, Student-Athlete Enhancement, Behavioral Health as well as Academic Services. The FFSAEC provides a safe, productive and supportive environment for learning, growth and development as we prepare our student-athletes to be impactful citizens in the USF community and society at-large.  

As our student-athletes continue to excel in all phases of their academic and athletic careers at USF, we look forward to continuing to encourage and support them in maximizing their experiences on campus and preparing them for their lives after sport. Once again, welcome and Horns Up!

Education Abroad

Education Abroad offers a variety of study abroad opportunities for students and faculty around the world. Programs include: semester exchanges, dual degree programs, summer and short term programs, international internships, and service learning. Programs range from one week to one year and award academic credit. Education Abroad facilitates the incoming and outgoing exchange process and works closely with our international partner universities to develop new academic programming and exchanges.

The Education Abroad Office provides extensive planning assistance for both students and faculty program leaders, including pre-departure orientation sessions. The staff members have extensive experience in study abroad and are able to offer seasoned, insightful advising and information to anyone considering or planning a study abroad experience.

Tampa Campus

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, CGS 101
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-4314

St. Petersburg Campus

140 7th Ave. S., PNM 102
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Sarasota-Manattee Campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, B222
Sarasota, FL 34243

Office for High Impact Practices and Undergraduate Research (Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, LIB 122
Tampa, FL 33612

The Office of High Impact Practices and Undergraduate Research (HIPUR) engages students from admissions to graduation in the pursuit of undergraduate research: an inquiry or creative project that makes an original contribution to their discipline. We are committed to HIPUR students, HIPUR community, and HIPUR future through targeted activities to generate meaningful narratives for inspiring exemplary support. We seek to empower the next generation of citizen scholars, equipped with 21st century workforce skills for a global environment, to fulfill USF’s vision for students: lifelong success.  

USF Libraries


The USF Libraries offer access to over 1.3 million books and an extensive selection of print and electronic resources, including 52,000 e-journal subscriptions, 443,000 e-books, and over 800 databases containing articles, media and other materials. Students also have access to our physical collections in the libraries on the Tampa and St. Petersburg campuses, which include audio/visual materials including videos, CDs, DVDs, and even LPs.

Tampa Campus

4202 E. Fowler Ave. LIB 122
Tampa FL 33620
(813) 974-1611


The University Library on the Tampa campus is a comfortable and inviting place for students and faculty to meet, study, conduct research, and complete group assignments. Library facilities provide wireless access, electrical connections for laptops, individual and group study seating and instructional labs. The Learning Commons (LC) on the first floor has over 140 computer workstations, as well as the Library Services Desk, a state-of-the-art Digital Media Commons, the Digital Heritage and Humanities Collections and the IT Helpdesk.  The Academic Success Center, on the second floor, includes the SMART Lab, with an additional 354 computer workstations and the Writing Studio. Other Library partners include the Office for Undergraduate Research, Division of Health Professions Advising and a Starbuck’s Café. Students and faculty also have access to specialized research assistance and information literacy instruction from our librarians. Assistance is available from research and reference librarians either by appointment, on-line via our website, by phone, or in a classroom setting.

Shimberg Health Sciences Library (Tampa Campus)

12901 Bruce B Downs Blvd
Tampa FL 33620
(813) 974-8432

Nelson Poynter Memorial Library (St. Petersburg Campus)

140 7th Ave. South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Sarasota Manatee

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, C203B
Sarasota, FL 34243

Testing Services (Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, NEC 116
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-2742

Testing Services is an auxiliary unit within Innovative Education. It supports the university’s strategic efforts to ensure student success and program innovation by administering entrance and placement, certification and licensure, distance learning and pre-employment exams for numerous agencies, businesses and institutions. Testing Services accommodates USF and non-USF customers, and delivers more than 1,000 exams per month. Students and professionals alike may take advantage of Testing Services’ portfolio of exams.

Student Accessibility Services


In accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the ADA Amendments Act, USF is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities.
Creating an accessible environment is a collaborative process that involves the office of Students with Accessibility Services, our students, and all faculty and staff. Students who utilize accommodations often share stories about their academic success and the positive impact of accommodations.

Tampa Campus

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, SVC 1133
Tampa, FL 33620
813-974-4309 (Office)
813-974-7337 (Fax)

St. Petersburg Campus

140 7th Avenue South SLC 1203
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
727-873-4837 (Office)
727-873-4828 (Fax)

Sarasota-Manatee Campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail B130A
Sarasota, FL 34243
941-359-4714 (Office)

Office of Veteran Success

The Office of Veteran Success (OVS) mission is to provide a seamless transition for our nation’s veterans from military life, through campus life into a meaningful career by providing high quality services and opportunities for academic success, personal growth, and professional development.  The vision of OVS is to empower student veterans to achieve their definition of success beyond service.  OVS serves the entire military-connected population across all three campuses in Tampa, St. Petersburg, and Sarasota-Manatee; student veterans, veteran dependents using GI Bill, active-duty service members, and members of the active Reserve and National Guard.

Office of Veteran Success (Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, ALN 241
Tampa, FL 33620
Phone: (813) 974-2291
Email: ovs@usf.edu
Website: https://www.usf.edu/student-affairs/veterans/

Military Families and Veterans Success Center (St. Petersburg Campus)Military giving the Bulls "Horns Up" sign

140 7th Ave. S, TER 301/302
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Phone: (727) 873-4467
Email: stp-va@usf.edu
Web: https://www.stpetersburg.usf.edu/resources/military-and-veteran-success/

Office of Veteran Success (Sarasota-Manatee Campus)

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, Room B106
Sarasota, FL 34243-2025
Phone: (941) 359-4291
Email: sar-vastudents@usf.edu
Website: https://www.sarasotamanatee.usf.edu/campus-life/campus-resources/veterans-success/index.aspx

Joint Military Leadership Center

4202 E. Fowler Ave., CWY 408
Tampa, FL 33620

The Joint Military Leadership Center (JMLC), founded in 2004, plays a significant role in supporting the Army, Naval and Air Force ROTC programs at the University of South Florida.  Through a variety of programs and initiatives, our ROTC graduates will gain a better understanding and appreciation for the capabilities, limitations and culture of each military service in addition to the challenges and value of joint and combined operations.  As a result, these future military officers will be better prepared to serve in a joint, multi-national environment upon commissioning.

Transfer Student Success

Office of Transfer Student Success (Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowloer Ave., SVC 2002
Tampa, FL 33620

The Office of Transfer Student Success leads USF’s strategic efforts to support and advocate for our diverse population of transfer students from matriculation to graduation. Our mission is to help transfer students graduate on time by facilitating a smooth transition process, connecting them with useful resources, fostering a strong sense of community, and providing the structure they need to navigate and progress through their academic journey.

Transfer Experience (St. Petersburg Campus)

140 7th Ave. South, Bay 129
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Student Support Services (Tampa campus)

University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, SVC 2002
Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 974-4301

The Student Support Services Program (SSS) is a federally funded retention program designed for students who have been identified as having an academic need and either first generation college student, as having low-income family status, or both. Based on evidenced based research SSS is designed to significantly increase the retention and graduation rates of the participants it is funded to serve. We are committed to providing proactive, intrusive, comprehensive and innovative services to enhance our student’s success at USF. SSS provides a plethora of services including individualized academic advising, counseling, coaching, SSS Summer Program, Living Learning Community, financial aid assistance, social and cultural enrichment programs, employment and workshops that broaden career perspectives, improve academic skills, promote self-confidence and address various non-cognitive factors.

Student Benefits

  • The summer program is free to all students who complete a FAFSA and meet low-income requirements (tuition, housing, books, meals)
  • Receive personalized academic advising and counseling
  • Receive priority summer housing and participate in the SSS Living Learning Community
  • Receive a head start on the fall curriculum
  • Enhance study-skills and problem solving
  • Explore career goals or major choice
  • Discover the campus and the surrounding Tampa Bay area
  • Make friends at the university

Contractual Agreement
Program participants are expected to abide by the SSS contractual agreement made upon their entrance to the institution. Following the guidelines has successfully benefited our students in that an average of 85-95% have remained in good academic standing each year.

As a student in our program, you are responsible to maintain contact with your SSS counselor, participate in student success workshops, become a member of the S Club, utilize the SSS computer lab, and participate in program events and activities.

USF Summer ACE Program

4202 E. Fowler Ave., SVC 2002
Tampa, FL 33620

The Summer Academic and Cultural Engagement Program (ACE) is designed to facilitate a purposeful transition from high school to college for incoming first-year students. The ACE program offers specialized academics, community building, and campus engagement experiences.

As an ACE student at the University of South Florida, you will experience exclusive opportunities for cultural immersion and hands-on learning, which will prepare you for your USF journey by demonstrating skills and knowledge you can utilize throughout your college career!

Residential Learning

Living on campus involves much more than just a dorm room! The Academic Initiatives Team ensures that while living on campus students are focusing on academic engagement, interpersonal skills, global citizenship, and wellness. These goals are acheived through intentional conversations, passive activites, active programming, community gatherins, roommate agreements, and much more.

Tampa Campus

4202 E. Fowler Ave., RAR 229
Tampa, FL 33620

St. Petersburg Campus

140 7th Ave. South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Center for Career and Professional Development

Career services are offered on all three campuses to help students navigate the challenges and complexities that accompany planning a career path. 

Tampa Campus

4202 E. Fowler Ave. SVC 2088
Tampa, FL 33620-6930
(813) 974-2171


4202 E. Fowler Ave. SVC-2060
Tampa, FL 33620-6930
(813) 974-1407

Suit-A-Bull, organized by Enactus at USF in partnership with the Center for Career and Professional Development, is a free suit rental service for USF students. Suit-A-Bull has over 600 items including suits, jackets, pants and shirts for both men and women.

Bellini Center for Talent Development

4202 E. Fowler Ave., TVB 200
Tampa, FL 33620

The Bellini Center for Talent Development at the Muma College of Business is a career-development program for students and the Tampa Bay business community creating a real world corporate environment in a classroom level setting. The center seeks to increase job placement for graduates while providing Tampa Bay businesses with a talent pipeline of employees uniquely prepared to meet their needs through a three-year plus certification program.

St. Petersburg Campus

131 6th Ave., SLC 2300
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Sarasota-Manatee Campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34243

Community Programs and Engagement

College Reach-Out Program (CROP)

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, SVC 2002
Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 974-4051

Success Is a Journey, Not a Destination!

College Reach-Out Program (CROP) is a statewide pre-college program established in 1983 designed to increase the number of students who successfully enter and complete a postsecondary institution. The program’s primary objective is to strengthen the educational motivation and preparation of low-income and educationally disadvantaged students in grades 7 through 12, representing various cultural backgrounds, who “otherwise would be unlikely to seek admission to a community college, state university or independent post secondary institution without special support and recruitment efforts.” 

Upward Bound Program

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, SVC 2002
Tampa, FL 33612
(813) 974-4051

The University of South Florida Upward Bound Program (UBP) is a TRIO (https://www2.ed.gov/programs/trioupbound/index.html) college-access program funded by the United States Department of Education.

  • The goal of UBP is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of post-secondary education.
  • USF UBP serves Hillsborough County high school students living in low-income households or households in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree (first-generation college students; https://www.usf.edu/undergrad/ub/program-eligibility.aspx).
  • Services also include instruction, tutoring, counseling, mentoring, cultural enrichment, campus tours, and a college residential experience (https://www.usf.edu/undergrad/ub/services.aspx).

Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships (OCEP; Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, ALN 185
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-6709

At the Tampa campus Office of Community Engagement and Partnerships (OCEP), we work with faculty across disciplines to develop a range of community engaged learning (CEL) courses with real-world impact. Students are able to complement their classroom learning with experiential opportunities that provide valuable service to our local and global communities, and become better equipped to succeed.

Community Engaged Learning is considered a “high-impact practice” (HIP), or “an investment of time and energy over an extended period that has unusually positive effects on student engagement in educationally purposeful behavior” (Kuh 2010: vi). A HIP is effective with students because it allows students to interact with faculty and peers about substantive matters; increases the likelihood that students will experience diversity; provides frequent feedback about their performance; offers opportunities for students to see how what they are learning works in different settings, on and off campus; and bring students’ values and beliefs into awareness, helping them to better understand themselves in relation to others and the larger world (Kuh 2008).

Center for Civic Engagement (St. Petersburg campus)

140 7th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 873-4773

At the St. Petersburg campus Office of Civic Engagement, we use the Citizen Scholar Model. The objective of the Citizen Scholar Model is to combine academic instruction with implementation of concepts learned in the classroom into the local community. The local community is broadly defined to include business, educational, and social service agencies as well as local laboratories’ faculty use to further their research agendas. We envision these types of experiential and community engaged learning opportunities will become a feature in every academic program.

Student Engagement

New Student and Family Experience

The USF New Student and Family Experience cultivates community and fosters a sense of belonging to aid a student’s transition into our community. As students navigate their academic, social, institutional, and emotional adjustment to college, staff and student leaders, on all three campuses, are available to provide care, support, and guidance. Through institutional, community, and individualized offerings, students establish a connection to USF, participate in shared USF traditions, identify a support network, gain an understanding of tools and resources, and receive support to remove barriers to ensure their continued enrollment. Our units also provide families support throughout their student’s time at USF. Staff are available to answer family questions, connect families to valuable resources, and provide individualized support so families can help their student navigate their transition into our community and progress towards their degree.

Student in graduation regalia with friends and familyTampa Campus

The offices of New Student Connections and Parent and Family Engagement provide programs and services to students enrolled on the Tampa campus, and their families.

New Student Connections
Website: usf.edu/newstudent
Phone: (813) 974-2896
Email: newstudent@usf.edu 
Parent and Family Engagement
Website: usf.edu/family
Phone: (813) 974-2896
Email: family@usf.edu

St. Petersburg Campus

The COMPASS Student Experience office provides programs and services to students enrolled on the St. Petersburg campus, and their families.

COMPASS Student Experience
Website: https://www.stpetersburg.usf.edu/student-life/compass/index.aspx
Phone: (727) 873-4003
Email: usfsp-compass@usf.edu

Sarasota-Manatee Campus

The Department of Student Support provides programs and services to students enrolled on the Sarasota-Manatee campus, and their families.

Department of Student Support
Website: https://www.sarasotamanatee.usf.edu/campus-life/new-student-and-family-resources.aspx
Phone: (941) 359-4330
Email:  bstucker@usf.edu

Center for Leadership & Civic Engagement (Tampa Campus)

Marshall Student Center, Student Life Tower
4202 E. Fowler Ave, MSC 1300
Tampa, FL 33620
Main Office: (813) 974-7595

The Center for Leadership and Civic Engagement (CLCE) trains, educates, and develops USF community members to be effective, ethical, and positively engaged leaders among the global community. Our programs help each student discover their passion and talents while developing their skills and understanding of leadership and active citizenship.

Student Life and Engagement (St. Petersburg Campus)

140 7th Ave South, SLC 1300
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Phone: (727) 873-5180
Web address: www.stpetersburg.usf.edu/student-life/student-life/index.aspx

The mission of Student Life and Engagement is to be the catalyst in providing diverse and engaging co-curricular experiences that help facilitate students’ educational and holistic journeys. Functions Include: Activities and Programs, Student Centers and Events, Multicultural Affairs, Leadership and Student Organizations, Crow’s Nest (Student Newspaper), and the Student Government Association

  • Leadership & Student Organizations: Location SLC 1700
  • Crow’s Nest (Student Newspaper): Location: SLC 1200
  • Office of Multicultural Affairs: Location: SLC 1400
  • Student Centers and Events: Location USC 173
  • Student Government Association (St. Pete campus): Location: SLC 1500
  • Student Digital Media Team: Location: SLC 1300

Office of Student Engagement (Sarasota-Manatee Campus)

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, SMC A117
Sarasota, FL 34243

The Office of Student Engagement provides co-curricular experiences for students that encourage relationship building and personal and professional growth.  The programs and services offered foster student development, enhance the overall educational experience, and prepare students to be contributing members of a diverse global society.  Student Engagement accomplishes this by offering students the opportunity to participate in campus events and programs, join student organizations, become student leaders, and learn about campus traditions, such as Week of Welcome and Homecoming.  Currently, there are over 30 active student organizations, and students are encouraged to get involved with any of these student clubs and organizations that the Sarasota-Manatee campus has to offer.

Faith-Based Organizations

The Religious and Spiritual Life at USF is a network of member faith communities committed to an agreed upon set of ethical standards. We provide access to programs, services, and activities that encourage a campus atmosphere of healthy religious and spiritual expression. This is accomplished through meetings, resources allocation, and collaboration between member organizations and the Division of Student Success.

For more information, visit https://www.usf.edu/student-affairs/dean-of-students/resources/religious-and-spiritual-life.aspx 

Center for Student Involvement (Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, MSC 4100
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-1001

At USF, there are so many ways that you can get involved with campus and the community while having fun and exploring your passions! Our office exists to not only coordinate many of these activities, but to help you find just the right ones for you.  Stop by our office and we will point you in the right direction and/or explore the opportunities. Attend, volunteer, or plan – just get involved to make some of the best memories and friends of your college years! 

Fraternity & Sorority Life

Being a member of a Greek lettered organization at the University of South Florida is a great opportunity to develop as a person and to enhance the collegiate experience. Through membership development programs that the office hosts to philanthropies created by each organization, members of the Greek community are exposed to multiple learning and growth opportunities. Being a member of a fraternity/sorority means joining an organization that is bigger than yourself where you learn about personal values and ethics and finding that organization that has the values and morals that align with your own. This aspect is something that is unique to a Greek Lettered organization and that no other student organization can offer to the average student.

Office of Multicultural Affairs

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, MSC 3300
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-5111

The Office of Multicultural Affairs coordinates educational, cultural, and social programs to foster experiences, which create interculturally mature global citizens who are prepared to thrive in diverse environments. While promoting intercultural dialogue, awareness, advocacy and respect for diversity, OMA helps students understand and appreciate a multitude of identities. Through programming, trainings, and direct connections with our staff and services, OMA creates an inclusive environment enabling students to become conscientious global citizens.

Student Government

USF Student Government Association (SG) is run by more than 150 students and advised by a group of full-time advisors across our three campuses. We are here for you–the students of USF–to serve your needs and be your voice. We welcome you to get involved with us either directly as a student employee, elected student official or volunteer, indirectly by attending the events we sponsor or fund through campus departments, and/or by using the various services and resources provided. For more detailed information, please visit our website.

Tampa campus

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, MSC4300
Tampa, FL 33620

St. Petersburg campus

140 7th Ave South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Location: Student Life Center, SLC 1500

Sarasota-Manatee campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, SMC A-117
Sarasota, FL 34243

Student Wellness and Recreation

Health and Wellness Centers

Wellness consists of different dimensions, such as emotional, environmental, intellectual, social and physical. When you take care of each one, you can be your best and excel in all areas of your life. Most students cite stress and anxiety as major challenges to achieving their goals.  We have many resources to help you be well and excel on campus. Our services and resources are designed so you can start develop lifelong healthy habits that can have a positive impact on your college success.

Center for Student Well-Being (Tampa Campus)

4202 East Fowler Avenue, SVC 2127
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-1818

The Center for Student Well-Being aims to increase knowledge, awareness, and access to health and wellness resources in order to facilitate behavior change leading to academic and lifelong success. The Center for Student Well-Being offers both professional and peer-led presentations and outreach on a wide variety of college health topics including but not limited to: healthy routines, stress management, alcohol, and other substances, healthy relationships, sexual health, and disease prevention. The Center for Student Well-Being is also home to the REACH Peer Health Educators.

Wellness Center (St. Petersburg campus)

140 7th Avenue South, SLC2200
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 873-4422

The Wellness Center’s services are provided to assist the St. Petersburg campus community in achieving and maintaining balanced living in regards to physical, emotional, vocational and relational functioning, with an emphasis on collaboration, prevention, and wellness. Within this integrated Center, students will find services and resources provided in the following areas:

  • Student Health Services,
  • Counseling Services,
  • Center for Student Wellbeing and
  • Center for Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention.

Counseling & Wellness Center (Sarasota-Manatee campus)

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, SMD 105
Sarasota, FL 34243

Students at the Sarasota-Manatee campus have access to a wide variety of counseling, wellness, and health services through the Counseling & Wellness Center (CWC).

Counseling Center (Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowler Ave. SVC-2124
Tampa, FL 33620-6930.

Mental health services are available on all USF campuses to help students navigate the challenges of college life and take advantage of opportunities for personal growth.  The websites listed below will tell you about the mental health services, workshops, counseling and treatment programs available on each campus, including contact information, location, hours of operation, and twenty-four hour access for mental health emergencies.

Student Outreach and Support

Student Outreach and Support (SOS) is a student-first direct care management team that supports students in managing stress that impacts their academics and overall health and wellness. The primary goal of support from the SOS office is to assist a student in mitigating stress that restricts their full potential while fostering individual growth and self-advocacy.

Tampa Campus

4202 E. Fowler Ave, SVC 2058
Tampa, FL 33620

St. Petersburg Campus

140 7th Ave. South, Piano Man Building 101
St. Petersburg, FL 33701

Sarasota Manatee Campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34243

Students of Concern Assistance Team (SOCAT)


The Students of Concern Assistance Team (SOCAT) is an interdisciplinary team, which reviews referrals for students whose behavior presents a disruption to campus or a concern for safety. SOCAT meets weekly, or as needed, to assess referrals, develop action plans, and monitor red flag behaviors across the campus community. 

SOCAT is an interdisciplinary committee made up of representatives from across the USF community including the Dean of Students Office, Housing and Residential Education, University Police, Counseling Center, Student Rights and Responsibilities, Student Health Services, Undergraduate Studies and Graduate Studies. Additionally, we may consult with Students with Disability Services, Veteran Success, Center for Victim Advocacy, or other campus resources as needed. 

Center for Victim Advocacy & Violence Prevention

4202 E Fowler Avenue, SVC 2057
Tampa, Florida 33620
Office: (813) 974-5756
24/7 Victim Helpline: (813) 974-5757

The Center for Victim Advocacy provides free and confidential services to USF students, faculty, and staff. We serve any individual who has experienced crime, violence, or abuse on or off-campus, regardless of whether it happened recently or in the past. 

Food Pantries

Feed-A-Bull Food Pantry (Tampa Campus)

Feed-A-Bull is the confidential Tampa campus food pantry availalbe to enrolled USF students spearheaded by Student Health Services and Feeding America Tampa Bay.  Feed-A-Bull was created to address food insecurity by providing supplemental food to enrolled students in need, as well as education and resources to students related to purchasing and preparing balanced food on a budget.

Support-A-Bull Market (St. Petersburg Campus) 

140 7th Ave., S., SLC 1300A
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 873-4272

Support-A-Bull Market is a USF St. Petersburg campus resource pantry. Started through support from student government and motivated to address concerns for students facing food security issues, this resource is available to all active USF students enrolled at the St. Petersburg campus free of charge.

Support-A-Bull Food Pantry (Sarasota-Manatee Campus)

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, C144
Sarasota, FL 34243

Support-A-Bull Pantry is a USF Sarasota-Manatee campus food pantry supported by All Faiths Food Bank. The pantry is available to students currently enrolled on the USF Sarasota-Manatee campus to address food insecurity by providing supplemental food and toiletry items to students in need.

Student Ombuds Office

The Student Ombuds Office provides confidential, impartial, informal and independent services to students with complaints or concerns about the university. The mission of the Student Ombuds Office is to facilitate fair and equitable resolution processes that promote student success. Each campus has an ombuds or an ombuds liaison. To schedule a meeting on any campus, please email ombuds@usf.edu.

Student Conduct and Ethical Development (SCED)


Student Conduct and Ethical Development (SCED) supports the goals, mission, values, and visions of the University of South Florida by promoting responsibility and adherence to the standards of behavior outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. SCED collaborates with the community to advocate for a safe environment that promotes personal accountability and supports student success. SCED facilitates educational opportunities through meaningful interactions with students to encourage their academic, emotional, and professional development.  The goal of SCED is to create environments that empower students to engage as ethical citizens in a diverse global society.

Tampa Campus

4202 E. Fowler Ave, ALN 109
Tampa, FL 33620
(O) 813-974-9443
(F) 813-974-7383

St. Petersburg Campus

193 6th Ave. S., SLC 1300
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(O) (727) 873-4278
(F) (727) 873-4358

Sarasota-Manatee Campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, C107
Sarasota, FL 34243
(O) (941) 359-4330

Student Health & Wellness Center


Whether you are sick or injured, managing a chronic health problem, or working to develop a healthier lifestyle, Student Health & Wellness is here to help! We would like your visits at our clinic to be valuable, as it is our mission to provide students with high-quality health care and education to strengthen student learning and promote lifelong success through health and wellness.

USF Student Health Services operates clinics on all USF campuses.

Tampa Campus

12530 USF Bull Run Dr.
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-2331

St. Petersburg Campus

140 7th Ave. S., SLC 2200
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 873-4422

Sarasota-Manatee Campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, SMD 105
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 487-4254

University of South Florida Athletics Department

The University of South Florida Athletic Department is committed to providing all student-athletes with an unparalleled experience that include receiving a world-class education, winning championships, and developing into the leaders of tomorrow. All Intercollegiate Athletics programs are hosted on the Tampa campus, with the exception of the Sailing and Beach Volleyball programs, which are housed on the St. Petersburg campus.

Campus Recreation and Wellness

Recreation & Wellness Services Department (Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, REC 111
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-7084

The University of South Florida Recreation & Wellness Department is home to three recreation facilities on the Tampa campus. There is a state-of-the-art fitness facility, located on the Tampa campus, which spans over 180,000 square feet.  The Recreation & Wellness Center offers a wealth of space and activities including:

Student on exercise bike

  • Two Gymnasiums, with the ability to host Badminton, Basketball, and Volleyball Contests
  • An indoor suspended track
  • Five four-walled racquetball courts and one squash court
  • An indoor heated pool
  • Racquetball & Handball Courts
  • Multipurpose Rooms
  • Tennis Courts

In addition to the indoor facilities, the Recreation & Wellness Department also has the following facilities:

  • The newest 2 story satellite fitness facility located in the Village housing area (The FIT)
    • Cardio, Strength & Conditioning Equipment & Outdoor heated pool
  • The satellite fitness facility located in the USF Health area (The WELL)
    • Cardio, Strength & Conditioning Equipment & Group Fitness Studio

In addition, the Recreation & Wellness Department offers a variety of intramural sports, sport clubs, aquatic programming, adventure travel, an outdoor resource center, and a fitness program complete with daily group fitness classes. The Recreation Center also has an equipment check out service, daily use lockers, and expansive cardio and fitness floors with state of the art cardio and strength equipment.

The Recreation & Wellness Department also maintains outdoor facilities for use by USF students, faculty, staff, and other affiliate members. These facilities include 13 football and soccer fields, 2 softball fields, 16 tennis courts, a 1.2 mile shaded running trail, and USF Riverfront Park (located at 6550 E. Fletcher Ave.,) Includes canoe/kayak/paddleboard rentals, picnic facilities, challenge course, disc golf, and sand volleyball.

Campus Recreation (St. Petersburg Campus)

140 7th Ave. South, SLC 1901
 St. Petersburg, FL 33713
 (727) 873-4589

Our goal is to provide members of the USF community the opportunity to become engaged in physical or leisure activities on the level they desire. Whether you are looking for a team sport, to explore the outdoors or to de-stress with a yoga class; we have it all for you.

We offer a variety of programs to meet your needs including Intramural Sport, Sport Clubs, Fitness, Outdoor Recreation and Aquatics. And, to help you stay active we have:

  • Two outdoor basketball courts
  • Two sand volleyball courts
  • One multiuse recreation field
  • A heated outdoor pool
  • Several water vessels such as sailboats, kayaks, canoes and paddleboards

Further, our 9,000 square-foot Fitness Center facility is dedicated to providing fitness opportunities for all USF Students. The Fitness Center features two fitness studios, a designated cardio area, strength training equipment and free weights. The Campus Recreation Fitness Center is home to the Personal Training and Group Fitness programs. Recreational sports equipment is available for checkout to enhance your experiences at the outdoor courts and recreation field.

The Edge is a brand new facility designed as a welcoming, enjoyable and space place for students to spend leisure time. It is comprised of many multifunctional spaces such as the lounge and gaming area, which offers a variety of engaging options like video game consoles, foosball, billiards, darts and shuffle board. Students can mingle and relax on the West Deck overlooking the waterfront or take a break from studying to watch one of the multiple TV’s in the lounge. Many events are hosted within the lounge and gaming areas, but the two multipurpose rooms provide additional space to meet student event needs. Students are also able to rent out a bike for the day through the Bike Share program which is housed out of the Edge.

Along our beautiful waterfront on the St. Petersburg campus, the Haney Landing Sailing Center houses our Outdoor Recreation program which offers canoes, kayaks, paddleboards, and sailboats on a drop-in basis and we are happy to teach students how to use all of the watercraft we offer for check out.  We regularly offer sailing courses, keel boating courses, and powerboating courses. The boathouse also provides students with some comfortable beach furniture that can be found along the sea wall and on the beach. During the fall and spring, the Outdoor Recreation program offers an assortment of trips including snorkeling, sailing, fishing, climbing, hiking, and paddling.

Recreation & Fitness Services (Sarasota-Manatee Campus)

8350 N. Tamiami Trail A-108
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 359-4268

The Sarasota-Manatee campus is proud to cultivate inclusiveness, foster community and promote healthy lifestyle choices through competition, sports and personal wellness.

Stay healthy in our new Fitness Center! The space is fully equipped with free weights, cardiovascular machines and multi-station gym equipment, and an aux cable to connect your phone to the fitness center speakers. Equipment checkout service is available.

Play and Exercise - No one said you can’t have fun while earning your degree and preparing for your career – it’s half the college experience! At the Sarasota-Manatee campus, you can work out in our fitness center, play volleyball, enter a flag football tournament, compete in the annual students vs. faculty basketball game or slow things down with our group yoga classes.

University Services and Amenities

On-Campus Housing


We offer traditional, suite, apartment style housing on campus! There are also fraternities and sororities housed in the Greek Village. There is something for everyone. Choose a style and start exploring, Bulls!

St. Petersburg Campus


Dining Services


Tampa Campus

St. Petersburg Camps

Information Technology Services

Students can find many of the resources they need to attend class at our website https://www.usf.edu/it/. Learn about MyUSF, how to print on campus, information on connecting to the wireless network, and more.  

Student Centers

Marshall Student Center (Tampa Campus)

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, MSC 4100
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-3180

The Phyllis P. Marshall Student Center is the heart of campus. At over 230,000 square feet the MSC welcomes over 10,000 students, staff, and visitors every day. The Marshall Student Center is a vibrant gathering place that strengthens a person’s connectivity to USF, cultivates a sense of community, and hosts campus traditions by providing exceptional facilities, event services, and student employment opportunities.  

University Student Center (St. Petersburg Campus)

200 6th Ave. S.
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 873-5179

The University Student Center (USC) is the living room of campus at USF St. Petersburg campus.  With a 7,500 sq ft Ballroom, all major campus events and activities happen here. The University Student Center is also home to many lounge spaces and nooks for students to be able to eat, study, and relax making it a great place for commuters and residents to come together.

Parking and Transportation Services

Tampa Campus

4202 E Fowler Avenue, PSB101
Tampa, Florida 33620-7700
(813) 974-3990

Our division is responsible for the overall management of the Bull Runner Transit System and parking facilities and services. We are committed to providing guidance and assistance to the USF community and our guests with all their parking and transportation needs in a professional and courteous manner. 

Bull Runner


The USF Tampa bus system is known as the Bull Runner and with a valid USFCard, students, faculty and staff have fare free access.

St. Petersburg Campus

140 7th Ave. S., BAY 132
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 873-4480

Welcome to Parking & Transportation Services (PATS) at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg campus. Our department is responsible for the overall management of parking facilities and services. We are committed to providing guidance and assistance to the USF community and our guests with all their parking and transportation needs in a professional and courteous manner.

Sarasota-Manatee Campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 359-4203

Postal Services - Tampa campus

4202 E Fowler Ave, OPM100
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-2750

The USF Post Office is responsible for providing mail service to students and employees as well as operating a full service post office that is open to the public.

University of South Florida Police Departments

Tampa Campus

4202 E. Fowler Ave, UPB002
Tampa, FL 33620
Main Office: (813) 974-2628
Fax: (813) 974-5616

We are dedicated to providing a safe environment for and in partnership with the community, while remaining committed to assisting with personal and professional development of department members. We are dedicated to the principles of being community minded and service driven.

St. Petersburg Campus

530 3rd St. S., FPF 105
Tampa, FL 33701
(727) 873-4444

We are professional state law enforcement officers, drawing authority from State Statute 1012.97. We are here to serve the campus community as well as to protect it.

Sarasota-Manatee Campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, B131
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 359-4545

The USF Sarasota-Manatee campus Office of Campus Safety & Security captures multiple departments within one organization. This Office encompasses the Campus Police Department, Campus Security, Emergency Management and Environmental Health & Safety. A coordinated effort to manage all the risks and hazards the campus may face. Campus Safety & Security is committed to enhancing the educational and working experience at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee campus by delivering services that protect life and property. Through partnership within the campus family, we build trust and enhance the quality of life for all students, staff, and faculty.

USF Card Centers


The USFCard is the official identification card of the University of South Florida. The USFCard is a multi-functional card with digitized photo and electronic identification and validation for departments needing to verify student and/or employee status. The USFCard was designed as a platform for a multitude of services and functions.

Tampa Campus

4202 E. Fowler Ave., SVC 1032
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 974-2357

St. Petersburg Campus

140 7th Ave. S., BAY 223
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 873-4408

Sarasota-Manatee Campus

8350 N. Tamiami Trail, B116
Sarasota, FL 34231
(941) 359-4220

USF Federal Credit Union


The USF Federal Credit Union offers the convenience of full-service banking on campus and the ability to access your accounts worldwide using digital banking.  With access to 30,000 fee-free ATMs and 5,000 shared branches nationwide through the CO-OP network, students and parents can easily make deposits and withdrawals.  Enjoy no monthly fees and no minimum balance with our Evolve checking account.  Federally insured by NCUA.

Tampa campus

Marshall Student Center
4103 USF Cedar Circle
Tampa, FL 33620
(813) 569-2000

St. Petersburg Campus

510 3rd St. S.
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(813) 569-2000


3487 Clark Road
Sarasota, FL 34231
(813) 569-2000

USF Preschool for Creative Learning (Tampa Campus)

The USF Preschool for Creative Learning (PCL) exemplifies an inquiry approach to teaching and learning, innovating and improving early childhood education through teacher education, research, and community engagement.

11811 Bull Run Drive
Tampa, FL 33617
(813) 974-5142