Mar 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Psychology, M.A.

College of Arts and Sciences  
Department: Psychology 

The M.A. in Psychology is not a terminal degree; students are not admitted to a terminal M.A. degree in Psychology. See deadlines for Ph.D.  See deadlines for admission to the Ph.D. degree in Psychology.


  • Clinical Psychology
  • Cognition, Neuroscience, and Social Psychology
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychology


The graduate faculty of the Psychology Department is divided into three broad concentrations: Clinical, Cognition, Neuroscience, & Social Psychology, and Industrial-Organizational. Each of these areas offers Ph.D. level training in the following areas of special expertise.

Clinical Psychology
Psychopathology, Psychological Assessment and Interventions, Health Psychology, Addictive Behaviors, Clinical Child Psychology.
Cognition, Neuroscience, & Social Psychology
Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognition,  Language, Judgment and Decision Making, Development, Memory, Perception, Emotion Processes, Social. 
Industrial-Organizational Psychology–
Staffing, Measurement & Personnel Testing, Learning, Training & Development, Motivation & Job Attitudes, Teams & Multilevel Organizational Systems, Leadership, Career Development, Work-Family, Occupational Health Psychology, Future of Work. 

Methodological offerings across areas include Regression, Analysis of Variance, Psychometrics, Factor Analysis, Meta-analysis, Structural Equation Modeling.


Clinical Program accredited by the American Psychological Association and the Psychological Clinical Sciences Accreditation System, and is a member of the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science.

Admission Information

Not a terminal MA. - Admission only through Ph.D.; see Ph.D. Requirements.  

The Department of Psychology does not admit students seeking a terminal M.A. degree in Psychology. Additional information is available in the Graduate Student Handbook. (Those interested in a terminal M.A. degree may be interested in our Psychological Sciences MA Program. )

Curriculum Requirements

Total Minimum Hours: 30

  • Core – 7 Credit Hours
  • Concentrations – 19 Credit Hours minimum
  • Thesis – 4 Credit Hours

Individual concentrations may require more than 30 credit hours for accreditation.  Students are required to earn B- or better for each required course.

Core Requirements (7 Credit Hours)

Concentration Requirements

Students select from the following Concentrations:

Clinical Psychology Concentration (19 Credit Hours Minimum)

Cognition, Neuroscience, and Social Psychology (19 Credit Hours minimum))

Industrial-Organizational Psychology Concentration (19 Credit Hour Minimum)

  • Required Courses (13 Credit Hours):


  • Credit Hours: 3 (Total of 6 Credit Hours)
  • Selected Topics Taken as:

    • Personnel Psychology (3 Credit Hours)
    • Organizational Research Methods (3 Credit Hours)
  • Credit Hours: 3
  • Credit Hours: 4

    And a minimum of two, 3-credit Industrial-Organizational courses chosen in consultation with their major professor (6 Credit hours)

    • Students in the Industrial-Organizational Concentration may be allowed to substitute advanced three-hour courses in industrial-organizational psychology for one or more of the content requirements in consultation with their advisor and with the written permission of the I-O Area Director.

Thesis (4 Credit Hours Minimum)

Comprehensive Exam

Successful completion of a Comprehensive Exam.

Department Handbook

Procedures and guidelines for the different concentrations are described in detail in the Psychology Graduate Student Handbook.